Chapter 35 (home bound)

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Dallas' POV

*ding* *ding* *ding*

I hit my alarm, I sat up, I got out of bed and walked to my suit case, I grabbed my 'nashty' tee, white nike boys basketball shorts, white low cut socks, and navy blue vans. I walked to the bathrooms and shut the door, I pulled off my muscle tee, and booty shorts.

After getting dressed I woke up Chad, Taylor, and in currently working on waking up Hayes. "HAYES! BENJAMIN! GRIER!" I shouted in his ear, he jumped up, "your such a bitch" he said, I punched him in the arm, "shut the hell up, and get ready" I said. I plopped down on my bed and went on twitter.

dallas_grier_45: anybody up right now she retweet this for a follow:)

I stayed on twitter, I got about 15 re-tweets, so I followed the people, I looked up from my phone just as Chad walked out of the bathroom, and Taylor walked in. Hayes was currently falling asleep, "HAYES!" I shouted, he jumped. A few minutes later Taylor walked out of the bathroom and Hayes walked in.

*hour later*

We sat in the airport waiting for our flight to be called. Taylor and I decided on going to Starbucks. I ordered a Strawberry Cream, Taylor ordered a plain mocha frapp, (A/N: seriously texted Taylor and asked her what her favorite drink from Starbucks was) we walked back to the boys.

Half an hour later we boarded the plane and took our seats, Hayes by the window, Taylor in the middle. Chad and I sat behind them, Chad by the window, me in the middle. both rows had empty isle seats.

*skip flight*

We all got into moms car, we rode to Chad's house, I kissed and hugged him bye. Next we went to Taylor's house, Hayes hugged and kissed her bye. Once we got home I took a shower, once I got out I put on undergarments, the same nashty tee, and same shorts, I quickly texted, Taylor.

Dallas: aye, I got a pair of your shorts somehow😂

Home gurl: opps, yeah hayes tore my clothes out of my suitcase😂👌

Dallas: wanna hang out tomorrow?

Home gurl: sure, where?

Dallas: movies and dinner, my treat☺️

Home gurl: fo sure, I gtg, see you tomorrow

Dallas: see you tomorrow

I locked my phone, "Dallas!" mom shouted, I walked down the stairs, "sup" I asked, "its five fourty-six, take care if your dog" mom said scolding me, I walked to the back door, sliding it open.

I whistled, "Star" I called out, no response, no bark, "Star!" I called out again. No bark, oh no, I saw her under the tree, I ran over to her, her head snapped towards me, she barked at me, I sat down next to her, "hey baby girl, mommy missed you" I said kissing her head, she rubbed up against me, "come on let's got get food and cuddle" I said standing up and heading for the door as she followed.

After I fed her, an I ate dinner, we cuddled in bed, I lightly per her head through and through, she fell asleep. I started getting sleepy, I shut my eyes and drifted off to sleep.






QOTC: when do y'all start school?

A/N: I bet most of you thought star had passed under the tree, nope she didn't, she was asleep. I hope you enjoyed:)

Love y'all, peace Twinsers


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