Chapter 39 (the news)

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Hayes' POV

I sat at the conference table with Carter, Cam, and Nash, we answered fan questions when my phone started buzzing. I looked down at my phone, it was my mom calling, "I'll be right back I got to take this" I said speaking into the mic, I got up and walked out the exit and answered.

Mom- "Hayes"

Hayes- "yeah mom"

Mom- "Dallas is in the hospital"

Hayes- "well she shouldn't have been stupid"

Mom- "Hayes! Dallas got hit by a car"

Hayes- "ha, real funny mom"

Mom- "Hayes I'm not joking"

Hayes- *no response*

Mom- "Hayes?"

Hayes- "oh my god is she ok"

Mom- "I don't know yet, Skylynn and I have been sitting here for an hour"

Hayes- "why didn't you call Nash"

Mom- "I did. he didn't answer"

Hayes- "I'll tell him. dads calling me back in, I got to go, I'm catching the first flight back"

Mom- "ok, I love you, stay safe"

Hayes- "love you too"

I hung up, my dad wasn't calling me back in, it was a lie. I began crying, I know that if I'm not in there soon they'll be looking for me. I wiped my eyes and walked back into the room, I sat down in my chair and stared at my phone, which is pointless because it's locked. "Hayes" Carter asks moving his hand in front of my face. I looked at him, "have you been crying" he asked, I shook my head 'no', he gave me this look like he knew something was up.

An hour had passed and I just booked a flight back to NC, I hadn't told Nash or dad anything yet, witch, unfortunately I share a room with Nash so he'll see me leaving. "Where are you going" Nash asked as I zipped up my suit case, "back home" I said, "why" he asked looking at me, "things happened and Dallas needs me there" I said, "Hayes, Dallas and you got into a fight before you left she wouldn't want you there unless something ba-" he stopped, a tear slid down his cheek, "Hayes what happened" he asked in a stern voice, "Dallas got hit by a car" I said as tears fell from my eyes.

Nash's POV

My sister got hit by a car, Dallas, it's all to hard to comprehend. I wrapped my arms around Hayes, he began crying harder, tears slowly slid down my cheeks, "Nash, what do you wan-" Dad asked stopping at the sight, "hey, boys, what's wrong" he asked walking to us. "dallas" Hayes spoke sadly as more tears fell from his eyes, and a sob escaped his mouth.

"She, uh, got hit by a car" I finished for him, tears fell from my eyes, another sob escaped Hayes mouth, he looked at us with a sad look, "we're taking the first flight back to North Carolina, the meet-up will be on hold" he said. He did his business things, getting his and I's plane tickets back, as I packed up my suitcase.

Hayes' POV

We're now seated on a flight back home, I've been texting my mom back and fourth, so the only news that she has revived is that Dallas isn't ok, they haven't been telling her anything. My phone light, I looked at it, it was a text, from the group chat that hasn't been used in a couple months.

Aaron- what's up with those tweets?

Nash- which ones?

Aaron- the one about a injured family member?

Hayes- Dallas

Taylor- aye! what happened to Dallas?

Nash- Hayes?

Hayes- yeah

Nash- do you wanna tell them

Hayes- you do it

Mahogany- hey I saw the tweets, what's up?

Matt- what's going on?

Shawn- my phones blowing up, what's going on?

Carter- hey, fans are going crazy

Cam- Carter shut up! A sad moments happening

Carter- sorry

Taylor- What the hell is going on?!

Nash- chill out Tay

Matt- what's happening, Naomi and I are watching 'a haunted house'

Nash- there's no respectful way to say this

Mahogany- what's going on?

Nash- Dallas, she, got hit by a car

Matt- no way!

I quickly shut my phone off, I couldn't read anymore of it, it's all to much, I shouldn't have gotten into a fight with her, she wouldn't be in this position and I wouldn't have to possibly attend my twin sisters funeral. I shut my eyes, and fell asleep.






QOTC: what should the Instagram fanfiction account's new name be?

A/N: I hope you enjoyed the chapter:) I go to school in 9 days, and I have no new clothes, or supplies yet. It's like, come on mom! Hurry up! I'm so not ready for school, I'll have nobody. My best friend Carmen moved, my friend Tiffany moved, and I don't even know of my friend Lilly will talk to me this school year. #loner4life

I love y'all, peace Twinsers



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