Chapter 29 (dms)

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Dallas' POV

"Good morning beautiful" Chad spoke sweetly, I sat up, "no use in faking now" I said as we laughed, "what do you want to do to day" he asked, "be lazy" I said laying back down on the bed.

He laughed and kissed my cheek, "have I ever told you that your cute" he asked, I laughed and blushed, "am not" I said giggling, I pushed on his arm causing us to start play wrestling. We were interrupted, Hayes popped in the room, "oh did I interrupt something" he asked, "yeah, we were fighting, because of you I can't win and get a lazy day, with ice cream and pop and chips" I said sarcastically, we continued to fight as Hayes stood in the door, "what did they say" Taylor asked walking up to Hayes and stopping.

"Ok so y'all are a freakishly weird couple" Hayes said, Chad and I stopped fighting and sat up on the bed, "like I said thanks for ruining our fight" I said fixing my hair and throwing it up in to a messy bun.

"So what were you gonna ask" I asked, "if y'all wanted to go to the beach"

My phone went off, I looked at it curiously, it was a twitter notification, a fan dm'd me. I checked it out. As I finished reading it a tear slipped out of my eye, "what is it" Hayes asked walking towards me, "Hayes we have to go meet this little girl" I said as another tear slid down my face.

"What are you talkin about" he asked, "read me the tweet" he asked, "Dallas, I'm dying of cancer, if you Dm my mom she'll give you her number @MelissaG" I read him the message.

I quickly dm'd her mom, she gave me her number, I quickly dialed the number, (the phone convo)

Dallas- "hello is this Melissa"

Melissa- "yes *sniffles* this is her"

Dallas- "what hospital is she at"

Melissa- "Akron children's hospital"

Dallas- "I'm catching the first flight there, don't tell her"

Melissa- "oh my god thank you"

Dallas- "what's her name"

Melissa- "Chrystal Givings"

Dallas- "see you soon"

I hung up, I pulled my MacBook out from underneath my bed and searched plane tickets to Akron.

"Who all is coming" I asked, "I will" Hayes said, "if I'm aloud, I will" Chad said, "same here" Taylor said.





Fact: I like pickles

A/N: so I just wanna say that 'Chrystal Givings' is a character in this book, Idk if she's a real person, but she isn't going to be a permeant character. Where's Lydia?

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