Season 1:Origin

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Have you ever heard of the saying ,"Someone is more unfortunate than you?" You have? Good, because you should say a prayer, light a candle, whatever you do to remember someone because that person may be hurting physically, psychologically or both. Even though death comes to all but what about the other saying "There are things worse than death". Well, that person was dead on point. What if I told you there was someone on the most bitter end of the rope, at the very end. Would you like to know? Well, sit down and brace yourself for the tale I am about to tell you and make sure to hold onto your hearts, because this is a persons' nightmare within a nightmare.

The story begins not on a popular continent but rather on that of a small island. In the middle of its City, a kid was fixing a massive generator that was fated to death. It was in the evening and everyone else was headed home.

Man: Kid, I'm telling you this generator is done for.

Kid: Will you just give me a few minutes; I know this one can still work.

Man: Fine, you got ten.

Kid: Thought you would say five.

The kid worked his magic and repaired the generator.

Kid: Start it up, I primed it.

The man started up the generator and it was more powerful than before.

Man: How did you...?

Kid: Redirected from the fault and improved the rotation speed of the magnet, it should work for the next couple months, a lot of time to get a new generator in instead of rushing for one.

Man: Kid you are a lifesaver.

Kid: It's what I do.

Man: Here, take this as payment.

The man gave the kid a roll of one hundred dollar bills.

Kid: Thanks! Say, you going to dump those?

The kid sees some old computer and motor parts.

Man: Yeah, but you can take a few if you like.

Kid: Thanks, I'll clean up here and take what I need, call me if you need something fixed.

Man: Will do, son.

The kid cleans up the mess he had made while fixing the machine, takes a couple parts that looked useful, got into a truck he refurbished and drove home. This kid may seem normal but carries a really rough past. He was bullied through school and was called weird and strange by other children. His own family disrespected him for having this gift, they didn't even intended to help him out with his dream. In fact, they wanted him to become like them. He had only very few friends that understood and while they tried to help him, they never really could. He was even told he would amount to nothing but despite all of that he would keep going.

He had an apartment where he and the landlord were good buddies since the kid does maintenance for him and let him work in the basement because, you see he was an inventor. He built crazy machines but they all worked, he also had blueprints for even more machines but needed more parts. However, he built a dimensional backpack to carry every single tool, part, or utility he needed. He was getting ready to show the world what he could do, that was when he got another call for a job.

He was leaving the apartment but then he felt a sharp pain and then got dizzy rapidly. A sniper hit him with a tranquilizer dart and a van came beside him, a man grabbed  him before he fell to an unknown location. The kid's family sold him to a research facility to just make a quick buck. He was to be taken to an unknown location for a purpose he didn't even know and it is here you will see the worse nightmare imaginable and the worst part is you cannot escape or wake up from this one.

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