New Strides

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The next day Victoria woke up with Chun still with her. She gently nudges Chun and he woke up. Chun let her get out of bed, she stood up and tried to walk again, she was getting used to the weight but not all of it. She relied on Chun a little bit to get around. She showered and changed clothes. Chun took her to the cafeteria where everyone else was.

Victoria: Morning everyone.

Pure: Morning, want something to eat?

Victoria: I can still eat?

Pure: Yes, you can still eat, some things the regeneration can't fix, like hunger. Want some eggs and bacon?

Victoria: Sure.

Chun sets Victoria down and she was looking at the children.

Victoria: I am still wrapping my head around, that you all have children now.

Alisha: Yeah, it takes some getting used to for a new person.

Victoria: Can I even have children?

Pure: That's in the we have no idea section.

Victoria: Is there anything else about me that has changed?

Pure: Not much. You still work like normal, even your sense of feeling is still there.

Victoria: What about the things that you guys can do, like flying and stuff.

Pure: We can fly and use other forms when we absorb certain vehicles.

Victoria: Why is Carolina not like you guys since she has a nuclear reactor in her back.

Pure: That is a special case, one is in her so that we can be together and I can't kill her.

Victoria: So if I want to have a relationship with someone, they would need a reactor in them

Pure: Pretty much.

Victoria: So there is a lot of other things I got to work out.

Pure: Yup.

Pure brings breakfast for Victoria.

Pure: Juice or coffee?

Victoria: Coffee.

Pure pours out a cup of coffee for Victoria and puts it there for her.

Victoria: Thanks.

Pure: So what are you going to do now that you got your life back?

Victoria: No idea yet, I might consider staying here and help with virus busting since I am a hacker.

Pure: Well you still need to get used to your body weight and your interface. I placed an AI in one of your reactors to help you, but you are going to have to get used to your Exo-suit.

Victoria: Exo-suit?

Pure: Each of us have one built into us or we wear it under our armor. For now, you can walk around the fort and meet everyone but don't head to the interrogation area. Immanuel is there and I want to see the look on his face when you show up in court.

Victoria: Want to give him the look of "am I seeing a ghost or have I just gone crazy?"

Pure: One of the best looks in the book.

Victoria: I'm in.

Pure: Good, now eat up and meet everyone. Some drones will accompany you and so will Chun. If you need to do anything else just tell Chun.

Victoria: Wait a minute, can you track my family?

Randal: Working on that, going to take some time to track them down and find them.

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