Fire with fire

58 21 14

After their pizza reward that Horatio had to get for the rest of the gang and their new member Sandra everyone was sitting down, satisfied and full to the brim.

Pure: -burps- That was awesome!

Alisha: That hit the spot.

Jack: My compliments to the chef.

Horatio: Yeah, he does know what the world needs.

Lucinda: I didn't know food here tasted so good!

Arachnid: Indeed, even our own touches made it excellent.

Sandra: I wonder what else is there on this earth we can try.

Xiao: There is a lot we can try on this earth; next time we head to China I know of an excellent restaurant we can get some more to try out.

Pure: We better take a nap so we could digest this.

Alisha: good idea.

Everyone took a small nap so they could be ready for the next mission. Pure extended his tails so that everyone there would fall to sleep easily and feel refreshed. They slept a few hours until an alarm sounded for a new mission.

Mima: New monster found, its massive, location Mauna Loa Volcano in Hawaii. Proceed with caution when approaching; volcano is scheduled to erupt soon.

Pure: Thanks Mima, anything you need while we are gone?

Mima: Yes, pick up some oil for me when you get near and some lubricant for my gears. I'm getting a little rusty here.

Pure: Got it. Ok team everyone is coming on this mission; Arachnid rides on top of Sandra so she doesn't get wet everyone else is on the planes and choppers. The boat and sub will be slow so we go in two teams. Alisha, Jack, Rick, Marshal, Arachnid and Sandra will be team one. Horatio, Lucinda, boat, sub and planes will be team two. Now let's go!

Everyone headed to their station and prepared for departure. The shell was still on Sandra so she could get around Seth disabled the computer inside the mechanical worm so that Sandra could control it by movement but be easier to move. Arachnid jumped onto the shell to get there. The rest of the team went on helicopters to get there. When they get there, they don't see anything but the islands were still evacuating.

Pure: Mima, you sure it's here?

Mima: Positive, the signal looks like it's coming from inside the volcano.

Alisha: Inside!?

Pure: Randal, what kind of beast has that mass or can even survive the core of a volcano?

Randal: There are a few but I hope it's not what I think it is.

Seth: What?

Randal: Pure break off from the rest of the gang and fly close to the lava. If I'm right, we are going to need team two really badly.

Pure: Guys I got to check something, stay back and wait for my signal.

Pure jumped out and flew to the mouth of the soon to erupt volcano. Pure went down to the volcano and started to glide above the lava. There was nothing but rock and magma everywhere.

Pure: There is nothing here, Randal are you sure this is correct?

Randal: Mima said its right in the volcano. Wait hit that stone over there it's different from the rest.

Pure throws a bomb at the stone and it was no stone it was something different. It started to rise from the lava and it was not good. Pure got out of the volcano and returned to the team. Claws and wings started coming from the volcano and it started to erupt.

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