Some things are meant to be forgotten

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Everyone was hard at work in the fort until Sandra felt a slight vibration coming from somewhere.

Sandra: Jack, I'm picking up vibrations coming from somewhere.

Jack: Which way is it?

Sandra: Close by.

Jack felt the ground and felt the vibration she was talking about. It was coming from Horatio and Lucinda's room. He found Lucinda inside wondering what it was.

Jack: Hey Lucinda.

Lucinda: Hey Jack.

Jack: Is something vibrating in here?

Lucinda: It's coming from Horatio's section but I don't know what it is.

Jack flies up to his section to find a phone in the drawer, with an alarm going off.

Jack: It's an old phone, he must have used this for backup purposes. An alarm is going off.

Lucinda: For what?

Jack: Pure's birthday?

Lucinda: It's today!?

Jack: Why didn't he tell us!?

Lucinda: Shouldn't we set up something for him?

Jack: He needs it after what he has been through.

Jack and Lucinda talked to everyone except Pure and Horatio and set up a surprise party for him. Once it was set up he was coming to get some lunch.

Everyone: Surprise!!

Pure had no reaction on his face he just took his lunch and headed back to work.

Alisha: What crawled up his thrusters and died?

Carolina: What's wrong with him?

Just then Horatio come to the cafeteria and saw everything.

Horatio: Aw hell no!!!

Lucinda: What's wrong sweetie?

Horatio: OK, you guys get a pass since you didn't know.

Arachnid: Didn't know what?

Horatio: He practically hates his birthday!! He just thinks it as a regular day.

Everyone: Say what!?

Jack: Why would he do that!?

Horatio: Hello!! He was rejected by his family, was given nothing in return, was experimented on by them, locked up for 24 years, ending up like that, and practically had to fight every single day of his life!!

Alisha: Ooo..., that part.

Horatio: How did you even know it was his birthday!?

Lucinda: Uh, a phone was ringing in one of your drawers.

Jack: And Lucinda wanted to check and see if it wasn't a bomb going off.

Horatio: Unbelievable, Alisha, Carolina, go talk to him, the rest of you stay put and see if he changes his mind.

Alisha and Carolina head to where Pure was and he was with his fox spirit sitting down enjoying their lunch.

Alisha: Pure, is something wrong?

Pure: Everything is fine.

Carolina: Then what the hell was that back there!?

Pure: Nothing, forget about it.

Alisha: Pure, how can you forget your own birthday?!

Pure's Fox Spirit growls.

Alisha: Sorry, the both of you.

Pure runs his hand across his fox spirit's fur.

Pure: It's something we had rather forget because everyone forgot it was ours.

Carolina: Pure, we both know what you are going through and we want to help.

Pure: What can you do to make me forget all of what they did to me and move on!?

Alisha and Carolina look at each other then back at him. They sat down facing him and they both held his face together and looked him in his eyes.

Alisha and Carolina: Make memories to counter the bad ones.

Pure: How can I do that when I'm practically immortal?

Alisha: Make so many memories that you will forget all of the bad ones and you will move on.

Pure: But what about...?

Carolina: No, don't think anymore, you have done enough of that for most of your life. It's time you start doing and progressing.

Alisha: With all of us as your new family.

Pure: I don't even remember how old I am now.

Carolina: Then we start anew, for the both of you.

Alisha and Carolina kissed him on his cheeks and then kissed his Fox Spirit from now on he would start a new life as a full fox spirit and not a kid that had to fight against everything every single day.

Pure started to cry.

Carolina: Come here.

Alisha and Carolina hugged Pure and his fox spirit hugged all of them and started to cry as well. Once Pure stopped crying they got up and they wiped their tears away and looked at each other.

Alisha: Now does our new fox spirit want some presents and a good time on their birthday?

Pure: -laughs a little bit- Yes, we do.

Alisha and Carolina each take one of Pure's hands and walks with him. His fox spirit walks beside Alisha and she rests her hand in its fur.

Horatio: You're back. Are you ok now?

Pure: I'm fine, thank you for making me remember my birthday and what I have now.

Lucinda: That's great.

Pure: But I do have one question to ask.

Jack: What is it?

Pure: What kind of cake did you make?

Everyone laughs and they start to enjoy his party. They had a big cake, a few presents that they put together, a few party games and so on. Everyone had fun and Pure was happy now that his new family could celebrate his birthday and the rest of the team could celebrate theirs. Once the party was over they sat down enjoying each other's company. They each wrote down when their birthdays were in the system so that everyone could be reminded. (For an AI that would mean the day they first came online and started to operate themselves.

Pure: Hey since it's our birthday, shouldn't we name our Fox Spirits?

Alisha: But what name to give them?

Xiao: How about Chún, the Chinese translation for Pure?

Pure: You like that, Chún?

Chun nods happily and he likes that name.

Xiao: For Alisha's how about...Mìngyùn, the Chinese translation for Destiny.

Alisha: But we can call her Ming for short.

Ming likes her new name as well and they sit down with their new family. Everyone turns in for the night but Carolina uses one of her portals again taking Alisha again with her. They end up in the bedroom before him and were sitting down in the bed. Pure comes inside surprised to see them in there before him.

Pure: Ok, you have got to teach me that trick.

Carolina: I will, but for now you forgot to open one present.

Pure: Which is?

Alisha: Us.

Alisha and Carolina: Happy birthday, Pure.

Pure, Alisha and Carolina were at it again for the night, this time letting him decide on what is happening. Everyone was happy that Pure could forget the past and move into the future.

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