Building Anew

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A few days later the ships came back to the fort and picked up the metals. Each company got metals requested to the amount they needed and they let Pure have some of the metals as compensation. Once they were all loaded up the ships took off under heavy security escorted by reaper, incinerator and phantom drones back to their destination and made sure they were delivered back to the companies' safe because raw materials like what Pure and Zhēnbǎo made were very hard to break down.

Pure: Ok, that is the last ship loaded with cargo.

Vincent: Roger that, escort is staying with it till it reaches its destination.

Pure: The other ships?

Vincent: No breaches and on schedule for delivery.

Pure: Good.

Horatio: Pure, the girls have finished laid their eggs.

Pure: Roger that, I'm on my way.

Pure went to the medical bay and he saw the eggs of Lucinda, Sandra and Artemis.

Pure: How are they?

Doctor: A little weak but stable.

Pure: How many eggs do they have?

Doctor: Surprisingly, they each have one.

Pure: One??

Doctor: I know weird, right?

Lucinda had an egg as big a truck, Sandra had an egg as Pure and Artemis had an egg as big as a car.

Pure: It must be the dragon side for Lucinda and Sandra but Artemis is still a mystery.

Jack: Guys you might want to take a look at this.

Sandra: What is it?

Jack: I'm feeling the ground below me and using the sonar as a map. I am picking up very small heartbeats coming from Lucinda and Sandra but Artemis is another story.

Pure: What is it?

Jack: Look.

Pure sees the sonar and it was a little off.

Pure: Weird, It's giving off three echoes.

Marshal: Can you tell what it is?

Pure: Not until they are developed some more for an ultrasound, did you set up the incubation in your rooms?

Horatio: Ready to go.

Pure: I'll take Lucinda's to her room, Alisha take Artemis's, Chun take Sandra's to her room.

They carefully take up each egg and rest it in their tails. They escort them to their rooms where the area that they would be incubated until they hatch. They carefully placed them down in their incubators so that they would be fine. Artemis made a nest within her nest so that it would be fine. Sandra made a small area with sunlight shining on it so that it would be fine. Lucinda made a small pool and a small heater was installed so that the water would stay warm. Lucinda, Sandra and Artemis got some rest and stayed with their egg. They would now take turns watching the egg until it hatches. Meanwhile Randal, Seth and Vincent came back with their reports.

Seth: Pure, I finished looking at the encryption and I am currently upgrading it to be unbreakable.

Pure: Nice job Seth.

Randal: I am still going through the security measures but I am thinking up some new ones that might work but I need testing done.

Pure: I'll contact the companies to give a few test runs and see what we are dealing with.

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