The Plan

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Once they got close enough to the super base it was nighttime and the storm was at its peak. Everyone decided to camp for the night. Pure made a bonfire for everyone to stay warm, Pure and Alisha used their tails to make a giant dome so that the warm air doesn't get out. Everyone was in human form and was getting something to eat for the big day tomorrow. Horatio made a hole in the ice so that Lucinda and Sandra with the water types could get some warmth as well. Since everyone wanted to talk they switched to true form so that everyone could understand each other. Pure, Alisha, Horatio, Jack, Xiao, Zhēnbǎo couldn't talk back in their true forms but could understand what they were saying. The monster girls translated for them so that they could have a conversation.

Pure: Aria, how are we looking at the hack?

Aria: The hack is paused for now; the snow is too thick for getting any signals through.

Alisha: How are we going to beat your mother since she has twenty tails, six reactors in her back with your DNA helping her and most likely having control over the elements?

Horatio: Yeah, we can't exactly go full throttle, we would get blasted to bits.

Randal: From what I heard dealing with a twenty-tailed Fox spirit is extremely dangerous.

Mima: But dealing with one that has six reactors is off the charts.

Dragon King: Dealing with those ones before was tough; it was like fighting an army off them.

Harpy Queen: We can't get rid of this one like the others we have to come up with another way.

Arachnid: But how?

Pure: We are all thinking of what she can do. We need to think of what she can't do.

Alisha: Which is what exactly? She has your DNA which means she could regenerate and be able to use weapons like us.

Pure: But she doesn't have my special ability to extend and retract my tails like you and I. She most likely has the tank and sub form but she doesn't have the blackbird or battleship that we have.

Alisha: She will most likely not know how to fly with them either.

Jack: Aren't we forgetting one thing, the bombs!?

Pure: I got that covered.

Everyone: How?

Pure: I just need the hack done to do it, but I have unlocked a new form while we were beating the dark sides of ourselves, it may give us an edge tomorrow.

Alisha: So how we doing this?

Pure: There will most likely be more Fox Spirits and UDI troops protecting her after the surgery to allow her to recover. You guys got the troops and Fox Spirits to deal with, I got my mother.

Alisha: We got your mother; I'm not letting you go in there alone.

Horatio: And what about the storm?

Pure: The base is in the eye of the storm so we got a battle zone, radio for backup when you get there as well as resume the hack so that we can get the rail guns on our side.

Mima: They most likely have deleted the programming for the bombs to disarm them.

Pure: Like I said, let me deal with those.

Xiao: But what about the base defenses?

Pure: We disarm them by hiding in the storm before we make our appearance. We better get some sleep for the big day tomorrow.

Everyone got some sleep except for Pure. He was still up and thinking of what will happen tomorrow. Seth, Randal, and Jade were already asleep. Alisha saw that he was still up and decided to talk to him. Some of the monsters, machines and troops were in their fur and tails so they could get a good nights' rest. She switched to a different frequency so she did not disturb anyone.

Alisha: Pure, are you ok?

Pure: How did you know I was up?

Alisha: Hard not to since you have those blue glowing eyes.

Pure: Hmm, very funny but yes, I am a little worried about tomorrow.

Alisha: About what?

Pure: The final battle, fighting my mother, stopping those bombs and repairing the damage done to this world.

Alisha: I feel the same way about this but we will get through this together, all of us.

Pure: I know, but when I find out the truth of how we even got here, it haunts me at what we will find out tomorrow.

Alisha: We will get the answers you seek and we will move forward, regardless of what it is.

Pure: I just hope we don't lose this fight.

Alisha: Don't say that, we will get through and rebuild what is lost and set these worlds back on the right path, together.

Pure: Alisha, thank you.

Alisha: Just remember, we are here for you no matter what.

Pure: Let's get some sleep for the big day tomorrow.

Pure and Alisha fell asleep and was getting some rest for the big fight tomorrow. Meanwhile at the UDI super base. A final team of Fox Spirits were waiting outside while Pure's mother was waiting inside recovering from her surgery to get the nuclear reactors implanted into her.

Pure's Mother: How long before I am fully healed.

UDI Scientist: A couple of hours, with the help of Pure's DNA and enhancements we have made.

Pure's Mother: Good, I want to be at full power when I crush my own son for betraying us.

UDI Scientist: What about all of those monsters, machines and troops waiting for us.

Pure's Mother: They will be just dust for me when I achieve my true form.

UDI Scientist: And what will we do when the bombs go off?

Pure's Mother: We will rebuild this world to be a perfect utopia; this world is poisoned to the core with everyone governing a part of this world and causing wars, that all ends when those bombs drop. Now leave me so I can fully recover.

The UDI Scientist leaves Pure's Mother alone; she stares outside at the storm she made to buy her some time to allow her to recover

Pure's Mother: Well pure, it seems that I have you cornered; now it is time for the killing strike.

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