Air Frontier

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In the morning Pure, Seth and #9 made the final fixes and repairs to the Missouri. Once they did they started to test her out.

Pure: Ok, let's get her in the water.

Pure switched to battleship mode and pushed the ship into the water.

Pure: She is floating, start her up.

Seth starts up and handles the systems.

Seth: Running final maintenance check.

Pure: Doing manual inspection.

#9: Checking fuel and engines.

Everyone does their maintenance check of the entire ship and everything checks out.

Seth: Green across the board.

Pure: Manual inspection passed.

#9: Carbon engines and auxiliary fuel are good to go.

Pure: Let's call the others and make sure this boat flies.

They call everyone to the harbor where the Missouri was waiting for them.

Pure: Everyone, say hello to the Missouri Mark II, brought back from the brink of death and ready to fight.

Artemis: Shouldn't it fly?

Seth: That is what we brought you guys out here for.

Pure: #9 would you do the honors?

#9 pressed the transformation button and the boat started to transform. The boat transformed into a sea ship and ready to fly.

Pure: Seth start the engines.

Seth started up the engines, turbines and thrusters they all worked together and the boat rose out of the sea.

Pure: I took the old Concorde design and made some improvements. Five of the turrets are on the top while two are underneath with some old AC130 cannons and an auto turret that can shoot at whatever we set it to or someone can take it manually. Missile silos still work and new machine guns are installed. The carbon and solar engines are running the whole thing but there is an auxiliary fuel in just in case. The hull is completely new and is self-regenerative thanks to the dragon scales. There is a hangar bay in which drones and jets can launch from and this baby is ready to fly and it needs a crew.

Horatio: A combined team of people around the world has come together, cleared of any troubles and ties, but you need someone trustworthy to be the captain.

Pure: Marshal, would you like to take the job?

Marshal: Me!? Driving the first flying ship with state of the art technology?! When can I get started!?

Pure: Figured you would want the job.

Horatio: Let's get this party started!

Alisha: Pure, I had this made for you.

Pure: What?

Alisha gives Pure a small box, he opened it and it contained special dog tags with his name, squad and date of birth on it.

Alisha: Since we already have our own I thought you would have one too.

Pure: Everyone has one?

Carolina: Yup, since we are a team and we stick together, we couldn't give you yours since you were so busy with the ship.

Pure: Better late than never.

Pure takes off his hat, puts the dog tags around his neck with the chain inside the scarf and the tags inside his armor.

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