Space Base

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It was morning and everyone had breakfast before leaving the fort heading to Huston, Texas. They were allowed clearance to land. When they touched down Marshal took the controls and headed back to the fort. The president and some of the ministers of the Caribbean greeted them on-site and were discussing the launch procedures.

President: Welcome to Houston, Texas Pure.

Pure: Thank you, we are ready to get to work.

President: Alisha, you look better than ever!

Alisha: Thanks to Pure.

Minister: Love works in mysterious ways eh pure?

Pure: I had to save her; we had a bond that no one could break.

Minister: Well I hope it stays that way; you two seem perfect for each other.

Alisha: We are.

Pure: Enough about that, where are the parts and the ship we could use?

President: The Parts are in the storage shed and the ship is right over there.

The ship was a next-gen space shuttle with the rockets and massive fuel tank but with added weapons and advanced tech. They got everyone else ready for mission by giving them their suits and weapons for outer space. Pure and Alisha went to the storage shed to look for parts they could use. They found rocket boosters, shuttle armor to survive the temperature and pressure. Their reactors provided the power to the boosters to fly. Then they found something very ancient that both of them could use.

Pure: Oh my god!

Alisha: What?

Pure: The fastest jet in the world; The SR-71 Blackbird

President: Yes, we kept it in mint condition and upgraded its thrusters to this era.

Alisha: Have you tested it yet?

President: The hull will tear apart before it even reaches max velocity.

Pure: Mind if we take it?

President: Of course, you guys need everything possible.

Pure: are there two?

President: Next hangar.

Alisha and Pure absorbed the Blackbirds, shuttle hulls and the rocket boosters to be able to fly in space and survive its harsh conditions. They then met up with the rest of the gang and got their weapons. Pure's nuclear pistol could work out in space as well as the BFG. Pure got a plasma cannon, Alisha got a precision cannon for tough jobs. Horatio got a laser gun, Jack got dual heavy duty lasers and Rick got dual laser pistols. They then boarded the shuttle. Pure and Alisha were in missile silos nearby on the same countdown. Since they were using their reactors to fly they would give off more power than the shuttle. When the final preparations were complete they initiated the countdown to launch. It was a private launch since they didn't want to bring panic to the population. When the countdown ended the shuttle started firing its engines. It got some altitude before Pure and Alisha launched from the silos and caught up to the shuttle. They were out of the silos like bullets out of a gun. When they caught up they made a formation and headed into space. When they reached a certain height all of them let go of their extra rocket boosters and the fuel tanks and let them fall back to earth. They then activated their thrusters and docked at a space station that were waiting for them. Pure and Alisha turned around to get a view of the earth before going inside, the others were docked and looking outside.

Pure: Whoa.

Alisha: This view is amazing

Horatio: It's breathtaking is what it is.

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