Hurricane Aftermath

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Three days later the all clear was given to Barbados and the surrounding islands the storm was heading out of the Caribbean and into the ocean where it would not cause any more harm. The Missouri Mark II and the Indominous launched from the fort with everyone else going ahead and checking on damages. When they got to the Caribbean they split up on the islands and were assessing damages.

Pure: I'm over Barbados and they got hit but not too bad, some communication towers and buildings are damaged.

Mima: Everyone else is coordinating with emergency crews and assisting where needed.

Pure: Roger that.

Pure came down and he saw a lot of debris, he started to move the debris out of the way. When the section was clear he moved onto the next area and found a roof partly torn off. He brought new roofing and was hammering it down to repair it. Liz was taking away the barrier Artemis and Arachnid made to let the boats back out since the sea was calm. She was at 40 feet and was carrying them ashore to a secure location so that they could be used later.

Lucinda was unhooking the cruise liners and bringing them back to shore. All of them were all right and they started heading back to the harbor. Everyone else assisted with the clean-up and repairs. Since the Caribbean has been upgrading they took extra precautions about tropical storms and hurricanes. Every building in the island was redesigned and refurbished to handle a category one hurricane easily, but the power and water supply got damaged so Pure and Horatio looked into it to get things started again. Horatio sensed where the water was going and pinpointing where the break or leak was, Pure followed the power lines, put back the poles and were fixing the problems. When everything was ok and everyone on the islands were ok the Missouri Mark II and the Indominous came and brought relief supplies for the islands that were affected.

Pure: Where is that hurricane now?

Victoria: Currently in the Caribbean Sea but it is losing momentum.

Pure: The water is too warm there it doesn't have to continue but keep an eye on it just in case it strengthens back up again.

Victoria: Roger that.

It took all day to sort out the affected islands and get them back up and running. When they got home a monk was there waiting for them.

Pure: Huh?

Alisha: What is it?

Pure: That is one of the monks from the temple.

Horatio: What is he doing here?

Mima: He said he has something to give you.

All of them touched down and went to the monk. Pure bowed and the monk bowed back.

Monk: Greetings Pure, I have something the High Monk thought you should have to give to one of your teammates.

Pure: What is it?

Monk: I came in on a small cargo ship containing something very important.

Pure: Mima?

Mima: It's in the harbor and it has been scanned.

Pure went to the harbor and it was a really long, rectangular case. Pure picked it up and brought it back to the main hall, he set it down and opened it; he removed some of the packaging peanuts and found a massive scroll.

Pure: A scroll?

Pure carefully lifted the scroll out of the box and set it down.

Monk: Not just any scroll, this is the six-sword Samurai scroll.

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