A lost city

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Vincent continued swimming inside the Bermuda Triangle looking for any gamma signatures. He was getting close to the center and that is when he ran into a city right in the center of the Triangle.

Vincent: Bermuda Triangle City, the exact last place a human would go.

The Bermuda Triangle City is made up out of the lost and missing ships over the years. The treasures that were on the ships now belong to the demons and monsters who reside there; it was both a marvel and a horror to behold.

Vincent: Time to enter the city.

Vincent goes inside the city and slows down his pace to a glide speed, he saw shops, restaurants and casinos from as far as the eye can see. He saw people on the streets and stores and just continued on his way.

Demon Girl: Hey baby, looking for a good time?

Vincent: I'm already taken.

Vincent continues going until a gang stops him.

Demon: What's a guy like you doing up here in a city like this?

Vincent: Just looking for someone who doesn't belong and that doesn't include me.

Demon: Well it should and we don't want you here.

Vincent: If you don't let me do my job, the big guy will be very angry that someone like you has stopped me.

Demon: Like if he cares.

Vincent makes a small portal with Lucifer on the other end. The water can't get through so they can talk without problems

Vincent: Sir, I have some demons here stopping me from doing my job.

Lucifer: Where are they?

Vincent: Right in front of me.

Lucifer: Turn the portal to them.

Vincent turns the portal to the demons.

Lucifer: Listen up you low lives, if I hear my records keeper get any more problems from any of you up there I will have to send a special friend of mine to teach you a lesson.

Demon: Like if you can come here and say that to my face.

Lucifer: Vincent...

Vincent opens a portal and calls Pure. He comes through and hovers in the water.

Lucifer: Still think I'm bluffing?

Demon: Yes.

Lucifer: Pure, if you would be so kind...

Pure pulls out his sword and turns it to the BFG and he turns his demon arm into the demon god cannon and was charging both of them up at the same time.

Lucifer: Convinced now?

Demon: -whimpering- Yes.

Lucifer: Good, now let him search for what he needs or else.

Pure: And we are on a tight schedule so you better not screw it up.

Demon: -High pitched- Got it.

Lucifer and Pure: Good.

Vincent: Thanks guys.

Pure: No problem.

Pure goes back through the portal and Lucifer walks away while Vincent closes the portals.

Vincent: Now let me through.

The demons step to a side and allowed Vincent to keep searching. Meanwhile, Pure went back to training.

Qiang: What was that about?

Pure: Just some demons who had to be put in their place.

Qiang: You know each of us has a place.

Pure: Yes, master, but sometimes what they think is their place is not the right one.

Qiang: Indeed, now let's get back to training with your chains and sword, you need to be ready, Chun, the barrage special please.

Pure continued training and was getting better and better at his skills. Meanwhile Seth and the first half of the gang got the Phantom drones ready and deployed them to the deepest parts of the ocean.

Mima: All drones have been deployed and are currently scanning the areas left out. They are currently searching for signatures, gamma signatures and any dimensional breaks; all we can do now is wait for a signal.

Arachnid: Hopefully, get something to track those two.

Trinity: No kidding, I want something to hit.

Mima: For now, let's see how Alisha and Carolina are doing.

Mima, Arachnid and Trinity head to the cafeteria where everyone else was and were checking in on their pregnancies. They were sitting down in Ming's fur and letting everyone take turns listening to their heartbeat.

Arachnid: Hey everyone, how are they going?

Alisha: Great, the doctor checked us out; they are in good condition and will be ready for next month.

Jade: I never thought I would see life come to this world this way, it's beautiful.

Carolina: Do you want to listen Mima.

Mima: Ok.

Mima rests her head on Carolina's stomach and she hears the child's heartbeat.

Mima: It's soothing.

Carolina: Yes, it is.

Mima: Is this what it's like carrying a life inside you?

Carolina: It's the best feeling ever.

Trinity: I can't wait to get children of my own, but that is on hold for now.

Alisha: You all will get the chance when this is over.

Arachnid takes her turn by listening to Alisha's child; she rubs her hand along Alisha's stomach.

Arachnid: I have always wanted a daughter to raise and watch her grow up.

Randal: Don't worry we will get that chance.

Liz takes a turn and she hears the heartbeat of a little princess inside Carolina.

Liz: She will be a strong and beautiful princess, just like her mother.

Carolina: Yes, she will.

Everyone was thinking of having children when the current events were over but it would have to wait because William had just finished being mechanized and emerged from stasis.

William: Finally, after all that time I am complete and you will be too, we will rule this world as king and queen and kill all those who stand in our way. I will wait for you until you are ready because both of us will take over all worlds and we will get the revenge we have so long sought after.

Katrina's process was slow but it was still working. It would take almost a full month to go her to be ready so until that time came, William started to train and get used to his new body, unaware of what is going on and what moves have been made. Both Pure and William were getting ready for their final showdown and only one person gets to walk off into the sunset.

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