Engine Testing

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The next day Pure built the hydrogen engine and was taking it for it's very first test run.

Pure: Ok, let's try this out.

Pure started up the engine.

Pure: Looks like it is working, now to run diagnostics to make sure everything is ok.

Pure starts running the diagnostics of the engine and everything was green across the board.

Pure: Now to run a side by side with a carbon engine, Seth did you make any smaller carbon engine models?

Seth: In the back, next to the other prototypes.

Pure: Thanks.

Pure grabbed the carbon engine and put it next to the hydrogen engine. He set it up and started the engine, he did a side by side comparison to see how they would work.

Pure: Looks like both of them are doing ok and outputting almost the same but the hydrogen has a little more horsepower. Daiyu, the engines are being tested and I need another pair of eyes.

Daiyu: On my way.

Daiyu came to Pure's workshop where she saw the two engines at work.

Daiyu: How are they running?

Pure sent over the information to Daiyu and she started to look it over.

Daiyu: The hydrogen engine is a little unstable but a few tweaks in the ECU should fix that.

Pure: Ok, tell me when.

Pure started adjusting the ECU to make it more stable.

Daiyu: Ok, right about, there.

Pure: Ok got it, Locking the ECU.

Once Pure locked the ECU he placed both into separate cars. The hydrogen engine was placed in an electric engine and the carbon engine in a normal car. They started them up and they worked.

Pure: Let's set them to eighty miles an hour for durability and full engine testing.

Daiyu: I'll stay here and keep an eye on the engines.

Pure: I got to put in upgrades to Randal, Seth and Vincent's vehicles then put in their weapons and gadgets.

Pure got to work upgrading Randal, Seth, and Vincent's vehicles to pro class. Meanwhile Arachnid was feeling better but she was on bed rest for a week before going back to work. She had Lilith in her arms with custom clothing on that she made and feeding her.

Arachnid: Here you are my little snowflake, drink up.

Doctor: How are you two doing today?

Arachnid: I'm feeling better now and so is this little one. She is hungry at the moment.

Doctor: Well I did a blood analysis and she is clearly a hybrid, her white hair comes from you and her fur comes from her father, even if she is a baby she will be beautiful.

Arachnid: She already is.

Doctor: I'll leave you two alone, I'll bring some food for you later.

Arachnid: Thank you doctor.

The doctor leaves Arachnid and Lilith alone. Meanwhile Alisha and Carolina were in Chun and Ming's room. They started to crawl and so they let them crawl around and get used to crawling. Ming and Chun were there watching them.

Alisha: They are getting good at it.

Carolina: Looks like PJ is climbing up on Chun.

Alisha: At least he is trying.

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