News Report

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Three days later Pure called a top ranking news network and selected them for a behind the scenes look at the U.W.O and what they do. A drone was sent for them and Pure was going through what was going to happen.

Pure: Ok, I will guide them and answer any questions they have but the interrogation is off-limits since we don't want to trigger anything nasty if someone sees the broadcast. They are allowed to ask any questions but not anything too personal and too offensive, we don't want them to know our plans in case someone is trying to counter our goals. Everyone will be at their stations like a normal work day, everybody got it?

Everyone: Got it.

Everyone went back to work and was expecting the news crew to come in. Mima saw the drone coming; they got out and started broadcasting.

Reporter: This is Susan Greaves, reporting live from the destiny fort. We have been permitted access to look behind the scenes to see what the U.W.O does to keep this world safe and healthy.

There was someone on the signal taking back to Susan.

Reporter: And what is the sight you see there?

Susan: Right now it is bustling with drones and personnel guarding the fort and here comes the C.E.O and the commander of the Destiny fort, Pure.

Pure: Welcome to Destiny Fort, the place where the future is being built.

Susan: We thank you for having us.

Pure: Now, you all need to be put through a security check and make sure all signals are encrypted for use, if you would follow me please.

Pure and the news team went inside.

Pure: Ok, stand here and don't move.

Some drones came and started scanning the news team. One of the drones carefully took the camera from the cameraman and started checking the signal.

Pure: Sorry we have to do this, its standard procedure when someone new comes to the fort.

Once they were cleared the drone gave back the cameraman the camera when the signal was secured and still functioning.

Susan: Are you still there?

Reporter: Yes we are still live.

Susan: We just went through a security scan and everything is ok.

Pure: These two drones here will escort you around the fort, they are also friendly.

Pure rubs the front of one of the drones and they stay by the news crew.

Susan: Very impressive.

Pure: Now before we move on are there any questions you would like to ask me?

Susan: Pure, there have been rumors that the U.W.O still uses bad ties that the UDI used to have, is this true.

Pure: Let me put those rumors to rest by saying all bad ties have been severed when the UDI was defeated, we maintain a good and honest company here.

Susan: So you do all of this for the greater good?

Pure: Always, now this way and I will start the tour.

Pure and the news crew came to the main hall where Mima and Seth were working.

Pure: This is Mima and Seth, Mima is the caretaker of the fort and Seth is our security handler.

Seth: Greetings.

Mima: Hello.

Susan: We know about the monsters and machines that work here to help the fort so what are Mima and Seth.

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