Well this can't be good

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It took five days to push the UDI back to their super base and hold them there. Everyone was at the beginning of the polar icecap.

Pure: We all got some ways to go before we reach the base.

Alisha: It's starting to get cold.

Mima: I made changes to everyone's armor to resist those cold temperatures while you guys were busy getting backup. I also made weapons for everyone to use in their true forms.

Seth: Well someone has been busy.

Mima: Now is not the time Seth, focus.

Everyone: Ohhhhhh, burn!!!

Pure: Sick burn!!

Randal: I have to admit you had that one coming.

Mima: Heads up guys, I spot 20 signatures ahead and they are all Fox Spirits.

Pure: I see them and this is not going to be easy.

Alisha: Why say that?

Pure: Because it's the most popular of the family and most likely have more than one reactor in their back.

Aria: Know their weaknesses?

Pure: Some, but the other ones are a mystery to me.

Alisha: Then we will have to figure it out and attack from there.

Mima: All of them have transformed except one, the others in position like a wall and have fully transformed. A man is waiting for someone.

Pure: I know that face from anywhere. (Pure was in his true form at the time.)

Pure turns back to normal and touchdown to meet someone he hated second in rank to his mother, his second brother, Tyrone.

Tyrone: Well, well, well, it about time you got here.

Pure: Don't even get started on me, Tyrone. You know why I am here.

Tyrone: I know which is why our mother is extending an invitation to come back to the family and be forgiven.

Pure: You think I would walk back into your arms after what you did to me!?

Tyrone: You have no idea how much power you have; we could teach you all of our tricks and moves.

Pure: You don't think I pick up on moves myself?

Tyrone: Don't you want to be loved?

Pure: I have found my own love.

Tyrone: These people are useless insects; they are nothing to you.

Pure: You never take the time to look which is why I refuse your invitation.

Tyrone: Can't blame a man for trying but we will make you accept into our ways.

Pure: I beat the dark side out of me for a while now, so good luck trying.

Tyrone: How did you defeat it!? The damage we did to you should have made you submit to it!

Pure: You never knew how powerful I was resisting my dark side and now I'm going to beat yours right out of you.

Tyrone: Good luck trying.

Pure drives one of his tails down and it comes back up to hit Tyrone right in the nuts.

Pure: I got tons of luck.

Tyrone could not speak because he got hit in the nuts so hard he could not speak.

Pure: What's wrong, speechless? Well this will make you stay that way.

Pure goes into a rage, transforms back into his true form and joins the others.

Alisha: How long have you wanted to do that?

Pure: Since he was mashing up my tech.

Mima: You got 20 to deal with, how are we doing this?

Pure: One monster and one machine to a Fox Spirit. When that team is done with that Fox spirit, help the others we need to get to the main base before they finish operating on my mother to allow her to become all-powerful.

Mima: We are close enough to start hacking and delete the launch sequencing.

Pure: Start hacking and see if you can get control of the bombs, I got a plan B.

Aria: Plan B, what are you up to?

Alisha: At this point, he may be absolutely bonkers, but he may have something up his sleeve.

Aria: Ok, starting the hack. We will tell you when we get control.

Aria started the hack while Pure and the team with the other Monsters and machines started their attack against the Fox Spirits that were blocking the way to the super base. The fight lasted two hours since they had more power than the ones they had fought before.

Xiao: Ok that was tough.

Pure: Everyone alright?

Horatio: Some cuts and bruises, but other than that we are all ok.

Pure: Aria, how are we doing on that hack?

Aria: We only got through some of the firewalls the others are tougher.

Jade: Your excellence, use this.

Jade sends over Trinity's hammer.

Aria: Is this Trinity's hammer. Where is she?

Jade: Back in the servers repairing from the dark side of Pure and Alisha. It was necessary for them to gain full control of themselves and not submit to their dark sides.

Aria: Then her sacrifice will not be in vain.

Pure: How long will it take with that hammer?

Aria: Not long.

Pure: Good because we got...

A very loud roar could be heard coming from the super base.

Pure: Please tell me that is not...!

Alisha: They still got a day to go!

Xiao: They can't have rushed the procedure!

Aria: We need five minutes to get through here!

Pure: Everyone get patched up and advance. Be prepared for anything.

Artemis: We will have to go on foot; the wind is getting too rough.

Pure: Everyone hover and stay close to each other we need to get to the super base.

The US President calls Pure.

Pure: What is it sir?

US President: An unexpected storm is circling around the North Pole and the super base.

Aria: Pure, the storm is blocking the signal we can't move further into the systems.

Pure: Sir, we need to get closer!

US President: You need to huddle together and move forward like penguins in that temperature.

Pure: Thanks for the info sir.

Pure hangs up.

Pure: Ok we got to make a formation and break through. Fire and Wind elements keep everyone warm and allow the wind to push through the storm. Earth types can push the snow out of the way and water types to lessen the snow hitting us. Dark types are our ears to move forward and light types will be our eyes.

They all got together and made a formation to push forward. The storm was one for the record books, the ships came in closer to make a shield above their heads. Artemis and any other flying monsters landed on the team to get some rest and be safe from the storm. The water types went underwater and went in Sandra's shell to stay warm. Pure and the fire dragons made a fire ring around everyone so that they would stay warm. Alisha and the wind types made the wind go around them instead of hitting them. Xiao and the dark types kept an eye on where they were. Zhēnbǎo and the light types lit up the area around them so that everyone could see where they were going. Everyone worked together to get through the storm and get to the super base to fight Pure's mother.

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