Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Annie Pov.

"I'm so happy for him," Says Finnick.

"Yea, I am too. Seeing him so happy makes it all worth it." I agree.

"And Angie is such a sweetie, I think they're meant to be." Finnick tells me.

"Like I said, don't look that far ahead." I repeat myself from earlier.

No matter how old Finn is, he'll always be my little baby that I held in my arms every night until Finnick came back. For awhile, Finn and I only had each other, so even though I have Finnick back and I have Maggie, I still feel really protective of him and I have a unique bond with him. I don't picture him growing up at all, I just picture the baby boy that I held in my arms eleven years ago.

"I'm going to go clean up the library a little for tomorrow. Can you listen for Maggie?" I ask.

"Yea." he says and I go in the library.

I put some science books neatly on the desk. I leave out two pencils and some sheets of paper. I also dust some of the book shelves. Everything looks good. I come back out and see Finnick holding Maggie.

"Woke up?" I ask.

"Yea, I've got her though." Finnick says, and I sit on the couch next to them. "See how pretty Mommy is? You look just like her."

She just stares at us with her ocean blue eyes. Finn comes out in some pajamas.

"Finn, dinner is almost ready." I tell him.

"Okay," he says, opening the fridge and getting some juice and sitting at the table.

I get off the couch and finish up the chicken and potatoes. I serve them up on three plates. I get a bottle out for Maggie. I give Finn his dinner.

"Thanks Mom." he says.

"No problem, kid." I say.

I give Finnick his dinner. "Thanks Sugar Cube."

"No problem, Sugar Cube." I mimic him, this makes him and Finn laugh. Finnick eats his dinner with one hand, the other still holding Maggie.
I leave Maggie's bottle next to Finnick.

I get my dinner and sit down next to everyone. "So, Finn tell us more about today."

"Well, I taught her how to swim." he says.

"Reminds me of someone else I know." I say, smiling at Finnick.

"And I walked her home." Finn tells us. "And she told me the funniest thing,"

"What's that?" Finnick asks.

"Dad, her mom has a HUGE crush on you." Finn says.

This makes me laugh, Finnick looks surprised that I'm laughing but he laughs too. So does Finn.

"Who could blame her?" he asks, confidently.

"Finn, tell Angie's mom that she's not missing much." I joke.

Finnick pretends to cry. "I'm just kidding you know I love you." I say.

He smiles, "I know." he gives me a kiss.

"Wow, Finn. For once you didn't say ewww." I say.

"Maybe that's because he has a girlfriend now and it's not so ewww anymore." Finnick says.

"Is that true?" I ask.

"I guess." he says, embarrassed.

I laugh quietly. We finish dinner and Finnick hands me Maggie and does the dishes. I walk Finn upstairs with Maggie in my arms.

"Hey Mom?" he asks.

"Yes?" I ask.

"Can you tell Maggie and I a story?" he asks.

Of course I'm not passing this up. "Sure." I sit on his bed. "So, what do you want the story to be about?"

"Hm..." he thinks for awhile. "You guys never told me what happened when you guys met."

"Well, lucky for you, I remember everything from that day." I tell him. "So, I was on a boat, leaving District Six, where I'm really from. And I was in the water, the waves were huge and powerful. I fell under one, and a really cute guy, who looked just liked you picked me up and out of the water."

"Dad?" he asks.

"Who else? Your Dad is the only one in my stories." I say and he smiles. "So he made sure I was okay, I swallowed a lot of water." I explain the rest of the story.

"So, did you like Dad right from the start?" he asks.

"No, not really." I whisper and we laugh. "But, once I got to know him, I started to like him more and more. Then after awhile I was completely in love."

"Your guys' story is so special. You guys almost seem like you're from a fairytale." he says.

Yea, a twisted, scary, crazy fairytale that didn't have a happily ever after for a long time. But I don't say this, I just nod.

"Goodnight Finn." I say and give him a kiss on the forehead. "Love you."

"Love you Mom, love you Maggie." I turn off his lamp and walk out the door.

I put Maggie in her crib and walk into my room.

"So Finn's almost asleep and Maggie is out like a light." I tell him.

"You know what that means?" he asks, smirking from cheek to cheek.
I shake my head, not knowing what he's talking about. "You owe me that dance that we never got to finish."

I laugh and turn on the small radio in our room and dance with him for hours.

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