Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

Annie Pov.

"Don't leave me." I mumble as I start to fall asleep, I haven't been feeling well. I had a flashback from when Finnick was in the games. Finnick whispers something back that I don't quite catch.

I'm usually able to control my flashbacks or nightmares, but that's when Finnick is there when I wake up. This morning when he was gone, it scared me, making it hard to control it.


When I wake up, Finnick is gone, but Kim sits in a chair near the bed, but not too close.

"Good morning sunshine," she says. Being mainly sarcastic, I probably look like a mess. "Don't worry about Finnick, he's bringing the kids home from school."

I nod my head. "So he told you to babysit me?"

"Pretty much," she says. We both laugh.

"Thanks for staying here. So how's the baby?" I ask.

"Fine, everything's okay." she says. "I couldn't be more excited."

"Well, you and Xavier will make great parents." I smile at her and she smiles too.

"So, you're sick? I don't wanna get sick, that's why I'm sitting a little far away." she tells me.

"Yea, I don't want you and the baby to get sick. So, is it a girl? Finnick gets all the kids named after him." I say bitterly.

We both laugh because it's true. Kim says, "I'm hoping for a girl too."

"Does Xavier want a boy?" I ask.

"No, he wants a girl too, we only want one kid. But we'd be happy with a boy too. Girls are easier." she says.

I just smile. We talk a little more, and then we hear the kids and Finnick walk through the door. I hear Finnick tell the kids to be quiet because Mom is sick. They all walk up the stairs. I think Finnick took Maggie with him because he holds her when he comes in. Finn and Angie come in behind him.

"Hey Annie," Finnick whispers.

"Hi Finn," I smile, I'm happy to see him. I have to admit, I wanted him to be there when I woke up.

"Are you feeling okay?" he asks.

"I'm just really cold, and my head hurts." I tell him.

"Don't worry you'll feel better soon." he says.

I nod and Finn and Angie make sure I'm okay.

"Hey, would you care if I took Maggie off your hands for awhile? The kids can do their homework and Finnick, you can take care of Annie." Kim offers.

"That would be nice Kim. Thank you." Finnick says.

"No problem, now give me the precious baby and take care of your wife." she says, taking Maggie from Finnick.

"Kim." Maggie mumbles.

Everyone claps, but Finnick is so disappointed and jealous it's hilarious.

"Really?! Her next word was supposed to be 'Daddy'." he says, rolling his eyes.

"Aw, I'm sorry sweetie." I say sarcastically.

Finn said 'Dada' first so I do not feel bad for him.

Kim looks excited and tells us bye, she takes Maggie with her.

"Aright, Finn, Angie, you can do your homework in the library or in one of your bedrooms. Just try your best to be quiet, okay?" Finnick says.

"Okay." they both say in sync, I watch them run down the stairs.

"Are you hungry?" Finnick asks.

"Um, a little. Do we have soup?" I ask.

"Yea, I can go make it for you." He says.

"Okay, thanks Finn." I say.

"Don't sweat it." he says, blowing me a kiss. I am sick and he is weird about germs, I am too though.

I turn on the TV. Caesar Flickerman is on, he still does news and gossip shows. I usually don't watch them, but for some reason I do.

"It is time for one of my favorite segments, Real or Not Real,"

Real or Not Real is a segment on Caesar's gossip show, it's where they talk about rumors, and tell the viewers if it's real or not real. They're usually not real.

I watch and Caesar talks about random things that I don't care about. But then he says, "And the one we are all most excited about, is Finnick Odair alive? Real or not real?"

How do they know this? Please say not real...

"We have a witness from a hotel, she brought security footage with her. We interviewed her earlier today."

It shows the woman from the hotel Finnick and I stayed at for our anniversary. I officially hate her.

"So, it's true that Finnick Odair came into the hotel you work at with his wife, Annie?" Caesar asks.

"Yes, I was astounded, really. I was, correction, I AM a Finnick Odair fan. When I saw him back, I was very excited and I wanted everyone to know. Here is the footage." She says, passing him the disc.

"Thank you for your time." Caesar tells her.

It's back to the live show, they play Finnick and I walking in, and us explaining to the lady why we didn't tell everyone.

"I think we can say that this is REAL!" Caesar exclaims. "So how about we get Finnick over here as soon as possible?" The crowd cheers excitedly.

"Finnick!" I yell.

He runs up the stairs, "Are you okay?"

"Just, watch." I rewind the TV.

He punches the dresser, and then knocks over the TV.

I start trying to call him down, "Honey, calm down. We'll figure this-"

"No! They won't leave us alone now! They'll make our lives suck,"

"Finn, we-"

He cuts me off again, "Annie! No," he gets closer to me and looks me seriously, straight in the eyes. I look back just as intently. I don't want to miss a word he says. "The reason that I'm so mad, is because everything has been... Perfect, flawless, we've been happy. And now these creeps with no lives of their own want answers. They're going to make us miserable. I don't want you, our kids, or myself to have to put up with this stupidity."

"I know, I get it, I hate the cameras and the reporters and the interviewers. I'm sorry Finn. I just can't stand seeing you so upset."

"Don't worry about me," he hugs me tightly, and I hug him back. He pulls away to give me a kiss.

"I'm sick, remember?" I ask.

He smiles, "I don't care. It's worth the risk." He gives me a kiss.

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