Chapter 56

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Chapter 56

Maggie Pov.

School ends and I rush home to get ready for the beach. I throw on a bathing suite that's a baby blue with white polka dots, I throw on a white cover up dress and grab a towel.

"All ready?" Mom asks.

"Yup," I say.

"Have a good time, and if you don't like something this kid does feel free to let me know and I will shish-ko-bob him." Dad tells me.

I laugh.

There's a knock on the door and I open it.

"Hey Maggie, you ready to go?" Michael asks.

"Yea, but I think I forgot my water, one second,"


Finnick Pov.

"Hello, nice to meet you young man," I say.

"You too Mr. Odair, thank you for allowing me to take your daughter to the beach, sir." He says a little nervously.

I might be older, but I don't look much different. Still tall and strong!

"I have no problem allowing her to go, my problem will be if you hurt her,"

"Dad," Maggie whispers behind me.

"Oh, hi Maggie, go on have a good time."

She shakes her head at me with a small smile. Michael kisses up to me once more, which by the way I do not buy. And they head off.


Maggie Pov.

"Sorry about my Dad," I say.

"I get it, he's just being protective. My mom is the same way,"

"Well thanks for not freaking out, he won't actually hurt you, he's just trying to intimidate you." I say it even though I don't believe it.

Dad would kill him if he hurt me.

"Yea, it's no big deal,"

We get to the beach where we talk for awhile, what we like and don't like, we actually seem pretty similar.

"Wanna go for a swim?" he asks.

"Sure," I say and take off the cover up dress. I run into the water and dive in. I swim for awhile and when I look back Michael is many feet away.

"You're too fast for me, Mags!" He yells.

I laugh, "Come on, speed up!"

He paddles a little faster and then I splash him and swim away.

Once he finally catches up he picks me up and throws me in.

When I come up I slam his head under and laugh forever.

"You're violent!" he says.

"What can I say? I'm the daughter of Finnick Odair, after all."

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