Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Annie Pov.

Finnick and Finn walk behind the pastor and waits at the end of the isle. Xavier and Nixon walk and sit on the chairs that are on Finnick's side. Kim who is my maid of honor, holds Maggie and walks in front of Angie who is my one and only bridesmaid. I walk down in my long white dress. It is loose fitting, but not poofy. It has pearls on the top and a little beading on the bottom. I'm wearing a short veil that ends at my mid-back. My hair is a little curled, I'm not wearing makeup even though Kim suggested it. I get to Finnick and Finn. Finn holds our rings for us.

"We are here to renew Finnick and Annie Odair's vows." Says the pastor.
"After twelve years together, Mr. and Mrs. Odair have continued to live a happy life together, and with their children. I will let them say their new written vows."

Finnick knows I want him to go first, so he does. "Annie, I am more than happy to marry you again. We have done so much in the past twelve years, I wouldn't trade those years with you for anything else. Everyday I fall in love with you again, everyday you make me the happiest person in the world. I look forward to many more years together, you're the girl that was made for me, and I wouldn't want to spend this day, or any other day with anyone but you."

Finn passes Finnick my rings and Finnick puts them on. I smile.

I start my vows, "Finnick, you are one of the most important things in my life. I couldn't imagine what would happen if I hadn't met you, if we weren't here right now. Because right now, everything in life is perfect. And one of the things that makes my life so perfect is you. I can't picture myself with anyone else, I can't picture you with anyone else. You are mine and I am your's, anything else doesn't make sense. We were meant to be. I can't wait to spend every morning, afternoon, and night with you. Even when we're seventy years old, I want us to still be sitting on this beach, with our hands intertwined."

I make him tear up, and I start to tear up too because when he cries, I usually start to cry. Finn passes me his rings and I put them on for him.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss your bride, again." The pastor says.

Finnick and I kiss and walk down the isle together, with Maggie, Finn, and Angie. We walk over to a different area set up for us to dance and eat and have fun. Everything is perfect. Finnick and I have a slow dance while Kim holds Maggie, but Finn and Angie join us which we smile at.

Even though Angie lost her memory, it's still obvious that she likes him. I hope it stays like this, because I don't want my baby boy to end up with anyone else.


Finn Pov.

Angie and I dance together, she's remembers a lot more now. When we were at Kim and Xavier's house, she remembered when she told me that she loved me. She asked if it happened, and I told her that it did. She lifts her head up and looks at me.

"Finn?" She whispers.

"Yes?" I ask with a smirk.

"I love you."

I don't think I've ever smiled bigger in my life. "I love you too."

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