Chapter 59

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Chapter 59

Maggie Pov.

It's the weekend so I grab a water and start walking out the door before dad stops me.

"Where are you going without permission?" He asks.

"Kayla and I are going to the beach, we'll be back in an hour or so." I lie, I'm actually meeting Michael at the beach, but Kayla knows what's going on so she's gonna walk there with me and then go shopping and then pick me up.

"Okay, well, ask permission next time, Maggie." He says.

"Okay dad," I say and go to Kayla's.

"Welcome to the dark side," she whispers and we laugh.

Kayla has always snuck out, gone places without asking, and I've never done anything like this. But I really like Michael so, I want to see him.

"Thanks for doing this Kayla,"

"Hey, what are best friends for?"

I smile and we walk to the beach. Michael is sitting in the sand, and he turns around when he hears our footsteps.

"There she is!" He says and runs over to hug me. "Thanks for doing this Maggie, I'm sorry that you have to sneak around your dad-"

"No, I'm sorry for what he did to you,"

"It's okay, I get it, he just misunderstood." I nod. "Wanna go for a swim?"

"Yup, bye Kayla, thanks again. See you in an hour?"

"Well, I might let you guys have a little more time." She says giving me a wink and walking off.

I wave at her and I'm distracted so Michael takes the opportunity to pick me up and throw me in the water.

"Mike!" I yell, laughing.

He laughs too.

We splash, swim, and talk before Kayla arrives hours later.

"Kayla! My dad is gonna kill me,"

"Yea, and when I was shopping, your mom was there. She asked where you were so I lied and said you were in the bathroom. Good thing she didn't go check otherwise you would've been busted."

"Well, thanks," I give Mike a hug and he kisses me before I head off with Kayla.

When I get home, dad stands in the doorway.

"Whoa, can I come in please?" I ask.

"Two hours and fifty seven minutes," he says.

"What?" I ask.

"You said you'd be gone with Kayla for an hour or so, it was almost three hours you were gone."

"Okay, I'm sorry, I lost track of time,"

"With Michael?" He asks.

This. Is. Horrible.

Come on, lie!

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

"Your mother was at the store, she ran into Kayla who told her you were in the bathroom. That store doesn't have a bathroom. So I think I know what you did. Kayla picked you up, dropped you off at the beach with Michael, she went shopping, came back hours later and picked you up and acted as if she was with you the whole time."

How is he so good? Is he stalking me or something?

"Interesting theory, but you don't have any evidence, so if you excuse me I'm going to go take a shower-"

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