Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Annie Pov.

I'm taken out of the bag, I start to try to observe all my surroundings. I need to get out of here. I can't be in District Seven. I look outside and see farms in the distance with animals. District Ten.

There's nothing in here. Except for a small window. Ropes are tied to my feet, my hands are also tied behind my back. Immediately I wiggle my fingers, trying to find a way to untie myself. What did Finnick always say about knots?

"When you untie the knot, remember to go slow, relax. Soon enough it will all fall apart."

I can't find the lose string. I bring my hands under and over my legs. Good thing I'm small enough to do this. I easily untie myself. I then untie my feet. I make my way to the window, put a hand is put over my mouth and I'm pulled back.

"You're not going anywhere, Cresta." A female's voice hisses in my ear.

Mrs. Casey.

I bite her finger and she winces.

"The name is Odair."

I kick her and she stumbles back. I make my second attempt at going through the window. She grabs at my shoulder. I try to fight her, but someone else holds me back, I'm now tied back up and there's a cloth covering my mouth. Mr. and Mrs. Casey sit in front of me.

"Now, you can make this nice and easy, or very difficult." Mrs. Casey starts.

"We want our daughter back," Says Mr. Casey. "We intend to get her back. You can give her back and go home to your family, or your family keeps her, and we keep you."

I try to speak so Mrs. Casey removes the cloth from my mouth.

"Angie is safe from you two. And I can promise you that Finnick, Johanna, and the peacekeepers are on there way."

They laugh evilly. "What makes you think that?"

"I don't think that, I know that." I say.

"So let's say your knight in shining armor shows up," Mrs. Casey says. "And we take this," she holds up a gun. "And shoot him when he walks through the door."

"You hurt him and I promise you'll regret it." I threaten them.

They laugh again. "What can you do to us? You're all tied up." They put a shot in my arm, making me pass out.


Five days later...

I start messing with the knot when I gain consciousness. They keep threatening me, telling me about their plan. I eventually untie the knot.

"Finnick!" I yell.

They both run to the door. Idiots.

I quickly untie my feet. I run towards them, Mrs. Casey is holding the gun so I rip it from her hands.

"Stay back!" I yell.

They put their hands up. I back away towards the door. I shutter when I feel a hand on my shoulder, but when I see that it's Finnick, I'm filled with relief. He has Katniss and Johanna with him. I'm guessing Peeta is with all five kids. There's also six peacekeepers.

"Annie, are you okay?" He asks, concerned.

"I am now," I give him a quick kiss.

The peacekeepers take Mr. and Mrs. Casey.

"We're sorry for the trouble, Mrs. Odair." They apologize.

"I'm okay, it wasn't your fault." I say.

"We are sending these two to the Capitol, where their prisons are more secure." A peacekeeper says.

I nod and they're taken away.

"Thank you guys for coming to get me." I say.

"Of course Annie." Johanna says.

We get on the train and head back to District Seven where Peeta was taking care of the kids. I wonder how he was able to take care of everyone. Finnick sits with me on the train.

"I'm sorry Annie," he says.

"What for? You have nothing to be sorry for." I ask.

"Because you had a bad feeling, and I ignored it." He explains.

"Finn, I don't blame you for that. I'm fine, they didn't even hurt me." I say.

"Why did you go I to the woods that night?" He asks.

"I couldn't sleep, I went out for a walk. I wasn't thinking straight I guess. I had no idea that Mrs. Casey was in District Seven. I'm sorry for the scare." I say.

"Just don't do it again, I love you way too much to lose you." He says with a few tears escaping his eyes. "I thought that I lost you, Annie."

"You'll never lose me, you should know that by now." I say, giving him a kiss.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

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