Chapter 47

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Chapter 47

Annie Pov.

I pull two bags down from the top of Finnick and my closet. One for me and one for Maggie. I throw in clothes for me and go in her room. As I take shirts down from her closet, two hands gently place themselves on my shoulders and massage them.

"Please don't leave Annie, we can work this out,"

"Finnick, I want to get out of here for awhile, I need to cool off, take a break," I say as I take more clothes off the hangers.

"Just stay here, we can fix it together, being apart won't do anything,"

"For me it will. I don't want," I put my head down.

"What is it Annie?"

"I don't want to keep getting hurt, I just want to go and relax for awhile so I can come back and we can figure it out."

"Annie, I'm not gonna hurt you,"

I turn around and look in his wet sea green eyes that make me melt like ice on a sunny day. Don't Annie, don't, don't, don't. My mind whispers. Kiss him, kiss him, kiss him. My heart tells me.

I shake my head to try to ignore my heart but it's still beating, it knows what it wants but I'm not gonna listen to it.

"I just, think it will be best for me, I,"

"Annie, we both know we work out our problems better together, we've been in fights before and we've had to talk them out. You running off for awhile won't do anything. You staying and talking to me will help."

Now my heart is yelling at me. So I listen.

I kiss him quickly and stop, when my mind starts screaming.

"Sorry," I whisper. "I can't, you're so, persuasive I can't. I'll come back I promise, and I understand you can't be alone so I'll leave Maggie. But it's not gonna help if I give in and, forget why I'm upset. I need to clear my head, and then I'll come back."

He nods, and wipes a few tears. "I love you, Annie."

"I know you do," I say. "I just need to take a break, okay?"

He nods, "I'll really miss you,"

I just nod. "I'll pick up Maggie and drop her off, then I'll head out."

"Unless she wants to go with you." Finnick says.


"If Maggie wants to go with you, you should take her."

I nod. I walk to Maggie's school and pull her out an hour early.

"Why do you have to leave Mommy?" Maggie asks.

My heart breaks inside me, "Honey, I need to go for awhile, you can come with me if you want."

"No, I need answers," she says.

"Mommy and Daddy are fighting, sweetie,"

"You're gonna... break up?" she asks.

"No, never. We just need to relax and take a quick break, and you're not going to hurt mine or Daddy's feelings on what you decide."

She nods. She thinks for awhile before saying, "I want to go with you,"

"Okay," I say.

Maggie says bye to Finnick and he hugs me but I awkwardly hug him back before walking away with Maggie. I think he expected me to kiss him goodbye or something but, I couldn't without possibly caving in.

Maggie and I get on the train and she asks where we're going and I tell her to see auntie Johanna. I told her Finnick and I had a disagreement and she didn't believe me. But I told her I'd explain more to her once I got there.

We get to District Seven in two hours, pretty fast compared to what it used to take.

Maggie and I ring the doorbell and Johanna answers quickly.

"You okay Annie?" She asks.

I look down at Maggie, who frowns at me.

I shake my head and wipe a few tears that escape my eyes.

"Come in girls,"

We do, and Johanna hugs Maggie and then me.

"Hey Maggie, wanna go play upstairs with your old toys and I'll talk with your mom?"

"Okay, Auntie J!" She says, and runs up the stairs.

"Alright Annie, so what's going on,"

I blurt out everything, and Johanna shakes her head.

"I can't believe it, and if you knew who Alexa was," she trails off. "Never mind."

"What? Who is Alexa?" I ask.

"She knows you, but you don't know her, I don't think Finnick knows that she knows you. But I knew Alexa."

"Who is she?" I ask.

"Annie, why don't you go meet Alexa? I'll stay and watch Maggie, I promised I wouldn't tell anyone, and you just need to find out for yourself. I'm sorry."

"Does she live in the Capitol?" I ask.

"No, she moved to District Two, supposedly she has a boyfriend, a job that pays well, and a nice apartment."

I nod, and Johanna writes down all her information, I say goodbye to Maggie and then get on the train to find the girl who I never even wanted to meet.


I knock on Alexa's door, and she opens it after a minute of me waiting.

"Hello, what may I help you with?" she asks.

"Hi, my name is, Annie. Annie Cresta, I mean, Odair."

She covers her mouth in shock, and shakes her head. "You're, Annie?"

Does she feel guilty, or something?


"You don't know who I am, do you?" She asks.

"No, how would I?"

"Annie, I'm your, sister."

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