Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Annie Pov.

As soon as Finnick falls asleep, I go in my drawer and throw on my long crochet sweater. It's an off white color and it's really comfy. I decide to take a walk through District Seven. I can't clear my head. I'm too nervous about this whole situation. I sneakily walk down the stairs and out the door. I go straight for the woods.

District Seven has beautiful pine trees that smell really good. I remember how to climb, I find one that's not too tall so if I had to jump I couldn't get down I'd be fine. I climb up and sit in it for a minute.

I hear the snap of a twig. Who would be out here right now? I turn around and see someone climbing up the tree. I start to climb down the other side. I climb half way down and then release the branches so that I drop. I run back towards the town area. I think I'm safe, but then someone grabs me from behind, and even though I fight, I'm thrown into a bag, and carried the opposite direction.


Finnick Pov.

I move my arm in my sleep, trying to hold Annie. I can't feel her. Maybe she's in the bathroom or downstairs. I wake up and knock on the bathroom doors.

"Annie? Annie?"

No response.

I go downstairs and look around, calling her name.


I start to panic.

What happened to her? Where is she? Why isn't she answering me?

I walk outside and call her name. No answers. I go back inside and wake Johanna.

"What?" she complains.

"I can't find Annie." I explain.

She sits up, "I can give Paylor a call."

I nod and go back outside to look at her. When I get back, Johanna tells me that Paylor put up a missing person's report.

Paylor is very easy to get in contact with. She's always trying to take care of us because she feels bad for what happened to us. We all helped make a better Panem and she says it's the least she can do to repay us.

I'm starting to get worried about Annie. What if something bad happened? She is strong, but could she fight off some kidnapper that's double her size? What if she's hurt? Where's my Annie? Will she come back to me? Will I ever see her again?

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