Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Finnick Pov.

Today we go back to District Four. We get onto the train and wait to get home. Annie bought a new dress in case the two old ones didn't fit. She looks like she could still fit them though. She convinced me to buy a new suite just in case to.

"How did I get so lucky to end up with you?" I ask Annie whose zoned out.

Her head turns when I say this, she smiles at me and shrugs her shoulders.

"I know a lot of bad stuff happened, but I think it was all worth it." I say.

"Yea, it was worth it." She frowns a little.

"I wish we could have everyone back that we lost too, but we can't. And everything's safe now."

"I know I've told you to let it all go, and to stop worrying about it. But I do the same thing. Most nights I fall asleep and have nightmares of those kids' dying because of me, when I killed people in the games, when Mick's head fell off, when Mags died. When my Dad laid lifeless on the floor, and your parents-" She stops. I've tried to not think about my parents for so long. I ignore every memory about them. It's so much easier than facing the pain that they're gone. "I'm sorry, for bringing it up."

"It's okay, Annie. I try to ignore things, everytime I think about Mags, or my parents, I force myself to think of something else." I tell her.

"Finn, you can't ignore your feelings. If you need to talk about any of that, I'm right here, okay?" She tells me.

"I know, I don't want to make you upset by talking about that stuff though." I explain.

"It doesn't matter, I think about all of it everyday, you can talk about it to me, it won't hurt my feelings." She says.

I nod. "I'm excited to get back."

"Me too." she lays her head on my shoulder and falls asleep for the rest of the ride, I just watch her.

Her hair is wavy and spread out on my shoulder, her eyes are closed and she looks very peaceful. Her lips are forming a small smile. And both of her arms are wrapped around my right one. I lay my head on her's and fall into a dreamless sleep.


I wake up and I can tell that we're in District Three. Annie is still fast asleep. I stare at her, she hasn't moved since she fell asleep. She sits up and looks at me.

"Where are we?" She asks sleepily.

"Almost home," I say, she smiles.

"Does that mean we get to get married again?" She asks.

I nod. "I'm excited."

"Not as excited as me," She says.

"That's not true, everyday I'm excited when I wake up to see you." 

She gives me a kiss.

We arrive in District Four. We get out our bags and go to Kim and Xavier's house. We are hugged right away from Finn and Angie. They tell us how much they missed us and we say the same. Annie holds Maggie happily until I ask to hold her. Although it was nice to have a break, we both missed the kids. Kim takes Annie, Angie, and Maggie upstairs to get ready for the wedding. I go with Finn and Xavier so that the three of us can get ready. I throw on my suite and help Finn with his, Xavier gets ready and I go to Annie and my beach wedding and I wait for her. 

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