Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Finn Pov.

Have you ever been able to feel your heart shattering inside of you, and then dropping into your stomach? That's what I just felt. Angie doesn't remember me, she doesn't know who she is. What happens if she's never the same? What happens if she doesn't feel the same way about me? I know the answer to the second one, I'll probably never love any other person, the way I loved her.

My parents stand there in complete shock, Mom looks like she could cry.

"Angie, please remember me." I whisper.

"Whose Angie?!" She yells, starting to cry. Her voice's volume goes down and she asks, "Why don't I know anyone? Who am I?"

Ms. Everdeen comes in. Before she can say anything I've already started talking again.

"Your name is Angie, you are eleven years old, your favorite color is green-"

She cuts me off, "Like, your eyes?"

I nod and start talking again, "You love going to the beach, you live with me and my parents, but we're not brother and sister. You're my girlfriend."

"Why do I live with my boyfriend?" She asks.

"Because, your birth parents used to hurt you, so we took you in because, I love you Angie." I say all at once.

"Why did they hurt me?" She asks, not acknowledging what I said at the end of my sentence.

"They're just mean people," I say.

There's a long pause before she asks, "What's your name?"

I smile and whisper, "Finn,"

"Finn?" She says, I nod. She stares at me for a minute or so. "That name sounds familiar, how long have we known each other?"

"Since we were eight years old. We've been best friends from the moment we met." I tell her.

"I don't remember that far back, the last thing I can remember was me going to the beach by myself. I didn't swim I just searched for sea shells. I was seven years old." She says.

She doesn't have one memory about her and I, not even from when we met. She said she's liked me ever since we met, and if she remembered when we met, she would remember that she liked me and it wouldn't be hard to win her back. But for some reason in my family, we have to really fight for love and happiness.

"Do you remember anything about me?" I ask, she sadly shakes her head no. "You have to remember something, we've been inseperable for three years."

"I'm sorry," She says. "Maybe if you tell me things about you, I might remember you. I feel bad, you clearly care about me, and I don't know why. I also don't want to hurt you."

"I am also eleven years old, I love swimming at the beach, I am bad at science," Angie closes her eyes, I don't know what she's doing. "Angie, are you okay?"

Ms. Everdeen comes over to check on her, she tells us that she might be remembering something.

Angie opens her eyes again and asks, "Did I tutor you in science?" I get a huge smile on my face and nod. "Did you show me a room, with your parent's stuff in it?"

"Yes! You remember that?" I ask.

"Kind of, some of it is still kind of blury." She tells me.

"Don't worry Angie. I'll help you remember. Is there anything you want to know?" I ask.

She looks at me upset, but then asks me, "Will you still like me if I'm not the same, if my personality changes a little?"

I nod without hesitation. "I'll always love you Angie."

She smiles. "I don't remember much about you, but somehow I know you're a good person. And I must've really liked you."

Why did she say liked? As in past tense, like she doesn't like me anymore.

"Yea, you really liked me." is all I manage to say.

"Don't worry, I kinda like you already, you're really cute." she tells me.

I smile, "So are you."

"I am?" she asks.

"I think so." I say.

My parents come over and I forgot that they were there.

"Angie, we know you don't remember much, but we are Finn's parents and we care about you a lot." Mom says.

"That's really nice, I feel really bad that I don't remember you guys, you all seem very nice." she says, she looks over at Maggie. "That baby is so cute."

"That's Maggie, my little sister." I tell her.

"She looks a lot like you." she tells Mom.

Mom smiles at her.

Ms. Everdeen tells us that Angie needs to stay the night. I hear Dad telling Mom that he will stay here with Angie and I.

"Thanks for staying here, I feel a little less scared." Angie says.

"Angie, I'm not gonna lie, it sucks that you lost your memory. But I don't care if you don't know who I am, because I love you, I'll help you remember me, and yourself. I'll never leave you." I tell her.

She closes her eyes, I think she's remembering something.

"You said that to me on the beach? Real or not real?" she asks.

"Real." I tell her.

She stares at me intensely with her eyes, she asks, "I loved you, real or not real?"

I tell her, "Real."

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