Chapter 64

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Chapter 64

Maggie's Pov.

I get to go to Darius' house tomorrow, all the way in district 12! I've never been outside of 4, so I'm nervous, I'll admit it. But with Darius, what do I have to worry about? I really like him, more than Michael, obviously. He has been my first crush, and pretty much my only crush.

Darius and I are practically meant to be, he said he remembers me as a baby, since he is a few years older. To be honest, I never thought dad would approve of an older guy, but he wanted me with Darius from the get go. Maybe he's trying to get rid of me. I laugh in my head, he doesn't want to get rid of me. He just likes Darius as a person.

Darius and I asked a bunch of different questions about each other yesterday. One of them that I asked was how many girls have you dated.

You know how many?!


How is that possible, how does he not have girls following him around every day? Seriously, you should see the guy! Flawless. So smart. Hilarious. Artistic. Athletic. Honest. Romantic. Brave. Kind. Selfless. Sometimes I find myself questioning what he isn't.

I felt bad because I told him about Michael, and I had my first kiss with him and if I could take it back I would, because I wish it was Darius. Although I kissed his cheek when we were little, does that count?

I am just reading a book, it's really old, I don't even know. I found it buried in the sand. It's called The Fault In Our Stars it's really sad and beautiful, and Darius reminds me so much of one of the characters Gus. Although I'm not like the main character, Hazel. (Authors Note: This is the future, therefore it is possible to find a book our generation read. And I know a lot of people read on the beach so... She found it on the beach.)

I'm interrupted in my reading by a knock on my bedroom door, it's six twenty a.m. So I don't know who would be up right now.

"Come in," I say, not taking my face out of the intriguing book in my hands.

"Mags," Darius' voice fills the room.

I smile and put my book in my lap. "Yes, Dare?"

He jumps on the bed, laying on his stomach facing me, "Whatcha doing?" He asks like a little kid.

He's so adorable.

"Reading, what are you doing?"

He smiles, "what I always do, thinking about you."

"I love when you rhyme words without meaning to." I tell him.

"I love when you smile," I smile. "See? Just like that."

I love you.

A voice whispers, could it be true? Could I be in love with Darius Mellark?


Darius Pov.

My god, I love this girl.

Seriously how can I not love her? I mean, I love her and there's nothing telling me I don't.

It's only been six days, yet we've known each other since Maggie was a baby. We've been friends since we could talk, she kissed my cheek when we were little and I was practically soaring with happiness. But I can't tell her I love her, not after six days, she'll think I'm nuts.

But I really do, I really do love Maggie Odair, and I want her in my life forever. Because I love her.

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