Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Finnick Pov.

It's night time and we should be in District Seven by morning. Annie is sitting next to me with Maggie in her arms, she leans against my shoulder.

"You okay?" I ask, she's been pretty quiet.

"Yea, I'm fine. I just didn't want to leave Four. But it's the safest thing for us, and the kids." she explains.

"We made the right choice, you know that right?" I ask.

"I know, I just don't know when we're going to get a break from this stuff. I feel like when things calm down, they get started back up again. And I don't want anything bad to happen."

"Nothing bad will happen. I won't let anything happen to you, or the kids. You should know that by now." I say.

"Just remember that no matter what happens I always love you, okay?" she says.

"Annie, I know that already. Don't talk like that. There's no reason to."

"I have a feeling... Like something's gonna happen."

"Go to sleep, Annie." I tell her, giving her a kiss on the forehead. "I love you."

"I love you too."

We both fall asleep.


We wake up and we're passing through District Six. Annie stares out the window.

I know I can ask her anything, but it seems like a tough subject. I blurt out the question I've never asked for all the years we've been together. "Do you miss it?"

She turns her head to me, "Finnick, when it's really home, you just miss it. When I left you for the games, I missed Four. When I left Six, I didn't miss it as much as I thought it was. When you have a real home, you can't help but miss it. I never felt at home in Six. I was lonely, I only had my parents that were at work all the time. Coming to Four was the best choice I've ever made. And even though we went through tons of crazy obstacles, and we still are, I don't regret leaving Six at all."

"I guess that means you're my home. Because when I leave you I miss you."

"You're my home too." she says.

This makes me smile, in a matter of minutes we're in District Seven. We get off the train with all the kids. We walk to the almost empty victors village and knock on the Johanna's door. She knows I'm back, but she doesn't know about Maggie and Angie yet.

"Hey guys," she says.

"Hi Johanna, thanks for letting us stay here and everything." Annie says.

"No problem, come inside and tell me what's going on." We walk in and she taps my shoulder. "Who are the girls?"

"Angie and Maggie. Angie is Finn's girlfriend who we are letting live with us because her mom was crazy. Maggie is our baby."

"Well a lot has changed, thanks for the update." she says sarcastically.

"Sorry, we've been kinda busy." I make an excuse.

"Yea yea." she rolls her eyes.

She shows us all the extra rooms and we get settled in. After dinner and when the kids are all in bed, she asks us what the emergency was.

"So Angie's mom broke out of jail, and she is coming after Angie." Annie explains.

"Psycho," Johanna mumbles. I nod. "What happens if she figures out you're here?"

"We leave again, I guess." I say.

"You guys are prone to getting into trouble." she says.

Her comment makes me laugh a little. "Yea, I know." I agree.

"I'm gonna go up to bed, you guys can stay down here if you want. But I'm exhausted." Johanna says walking upstairs.

"Goodnight," Annie and I say in sync.

We stay seated where we are for a minute.

"Want to go to sleep?" I ask.

"I'm not really tired," Annie says.

"Are you okay?" she doesn't seem alright for some reason.

"I'm fine, Finn." she says.

"Annie, look at me," I say. She stares straight into my eyes. "Are you okay?"

"Yes. I'm fine." She says.

"Come on," I take her hand. "We don't have to go to sleep right away."

She nods and I guide her up the stairs. We lay in the bed and we talk a little. I fall asleep faster than usual.

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