Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Finnick Pov.

We sit down together at one big table. We have salad to start. When the main course (fish), arrives, I stand up to make a toast.

"I would like to thank everyone for coming, and celebrating today with Annie and I. We have all been through a lot, and I'm more than happy to be here. With everyone, and I think now we have a chance to live our lives the way we've always wanted. I have my kids, my friends, and my beautiful wife. And nothing has ever been more perfect. So here's to our health and happiness."

They all clap, we eat our food and have fun. Everyone dances and has a good time. I'm glad I decided to ask Annie to marry me again.


We walk home when it starts to get late. Maggie fell asleep recently, Finn and Angie are super tired because they danced a ton. Annie and I are pretty wiped out too.

We get home and Finn and Angie get into their pajamas and fall asleep instantly. We put Maggie in her crib, and then Annie and I go in our room.

"Thanks Finn," she whispers.

"Anything for you," I say.

"Today and yesterday was really fun. I think it was our best anniversary yet." she says.

"I think so too."

"I still can't believe how long it's been."

"Me neither." I agree.

She gives me a kiss, "Thanks again. I love you, goodnight."

"I love you too."

I fall asleep, and I surprisingly have a perfect dream.


I wake up, I look to my right and see Annie, all snuggled up in the blankets. We have to take the kids to school, she looks so cute sleeping. I don't wanna wake her. I get out of bed quietly and softly. I open Finn's door, I wake him and tell him to get ready. I do the same to Angie. We creep out of the house and I drop them off at school. I walk back, when I walk in, a scream fills the house.

I run up the stairs, I know that scream all too well.

"Annie!" I yell.

She cries and screams. I burst through our bedroom door.

She lays on the bed, tossing and turning. She has her hands on her ears, she's crying and screaming.

"Ahhh! Get him out of there! Stop hurting him!" she yells.

I walk over to the bed, and pull her close to me. She's shaking, and she's cold as ice, I wonder if she's not feeling well. I take one of the blankets and put it on her while she's laying in my lap. She hasn't opened her eyes, but she's not screaming anymore.

"Annie, hey, Annie?" I whisper.

"Finn?" she asks.

"Yea, sweetie, it's me." I tell her.

"You're not hurt?" she asks.

"No, I promise I'm okay, and so are you."

She slowly opens her eyes. "Don't leave me."

She starts falling asleep, but before she does, I promise her, "I'll never leave you."

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