Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Finn Pov.

School gets out, I see Mom and Dad walking towards Angie and I.

"Ready to go to our place, Angie?" Dad asks.

"Yea, thanks again for letting me come over Mr. and Mrs. Odair." she says in her usual sweet voice.

"No, thank you for helping Finn in science. And you can call us Finnick and Annie." Mom tells her.

"Um, okay." she says shyly.

We walk back to our house.

"She's so cute" did I seriously just say that out loud? I was thinking it, I didn't mean to say it! I look over to see if I did, she's blushing so I know I said it, or she read my mind. That's where my Dad's confidence leaves me, because I say stupid stuff. Mom
doesn't do that, that's just me.

We get back home and I show her to the library.

"So, here it is." I tell her.

"Wow, your house is really nice." she says for the millionth time. She's come over here a lot.

"Angie, you act like you haven't been to my house." I say with my Dad's smirk on my face.

"I know, but you show me something new almost every time I come over." she says.

"Well, I can show you one more thing. If you want." I say.

"Um, okay." she says.

I take her hand and start walking to a room my parents never really go in. It's stuff from their Hunger Games and the war. They call it the 'Nightmare Room' even though it's not scary, it just reminds them of everything they've been through.

"What is this?" she asks. "Is this your Mom and Dad's stuff from the hunger games, and the war?"

"Yea, we don't really come in here. I've never shown it to anyone." I tell her.

"That makes me feel special," she says with a slight laugh.

"That's because you are special." I tell her.

"It looks like Finnick Junior is back, always flirting." she says, with a smile.

"What can I say? I have to find some way to impress you." I say and this makes her laugh a little more.

"Finn, how did your parents meet?" she asks.

"Well, my Mom was illegally leaving District Six. And her boat got messed up and my Dad pulled her out of the water. Then my Dad let her live with him and his family, they grew closer and closer, and years later they got married." I tell her the short version.

"I still can't believe the both won the games and they both survived the war. It doesn't even seem possible." she says.

"Yea, but my parents don't give up. That's just, how they are." I tell her.

"I wish I had parents like yours, my parents, they aren't exactly as happy to have me. Your parents, love you a lot." she says with a small frown.

"It's hard to believe that, because you're really like-able." I tell her.

"Well believe it." she says.

"You deserve a lot better, Angie."

"I don't even deserve what I have," I look at her confused. "I don't deserve you."

"Angie, don't talk crazy. You deserve the best, and trust me Sweetheart, I'm not the best."

"Yea you are, you're just being nice."

"No, I'm being truthful." I get lost in her ocean blue eyes.

"Shouldn't I be teaching you science now?" she asks.

"Ugh, you ruined a perfectly good moment with science!" I joke with her, we both laugh. "I'm just kidding."

We go back to the library. We sit at the mahogany desk. She gets the homework out of our bags.

"Okay, so today in class we were learning about the solar system. Do you remember anything?" she asks.

"I'm going to be completely honest, no." she rolls her eyes. "I have a good excuse though."

"And what's that?"

"I was staring at you most the time."

She turns pink but gets back to teaching me all about the planets and which is the biggest and smallest and a couple other things but I still can't focus with her blue eyes that stare straight at mine...

"Okay, I understand more than I did before. Can we take a break?" I ask.

"Ugh, fine." she says.

Right on cue Mom brings in a plate of chocolate chip cookies and some milk. This makes me wonder if she has been listening, she does do that.

"Thanks Mom." I say.

"Anytime kid." she says, giving me a wink and a smile. "How's studying going?"

"Pretty good, he's doing better than he was in school." Angie tells her.

"Thanks Angie, I would help him but I'm not that great in science. I was good when I was your age, but now I barely remember a thing."

"Don't worry, at this rate I can have him at the grade of a B hopefully." she says.

"That's great, I'll see you guys in awhile. Angie, if you like you can stay for dinner." she offers.

"Actually, I don't know if I can. I told my Mom I'd be home by five." she glances at the clock, "And it's already four forty three. I'm sorry, I think I need to go. Maybe some other time."

"Okay, let me walk you home." I say.

I carry her backpack for her and I walk her home.

"Finn, do me a favor and don't walk me all the way to my house, okay?" she asks.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because, my parents don't know I'm spending time with you, and I just, don't want them to ruin everything."

"Um, okay." I say.

"Thanks, for going with it."

"Anything for you." I wink at her.

I walk her most of the way but when we can see her house I put her backpack on her and give her a hug and walk back home. I feel so bad for her, she deserves a better family. But I'll treat her the way that she deserves to be treated, because she is the most amazing girl I know.

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