Chapter 41

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Chapter 41

Angie Pov.

The wedding Day...

I get ready in mine and Finn's house with the help of Annie, Maggie, Kim, Kayla, and my two friends, Cynthia, and Hazel.

Finnick is going to hand me off at the wedding, Annie is my maid of honor, Cynthia and Hazel are my bridesmaids, and Kayla and Maggie are my flower girls.

I'm so nervous and excited at the same time.

Cynthia is doing my hair, and Hazel is doing my makeup. They're wearing green blue dresses that compliment my sea green and ivory dress. Annie is wearing a blue dress to, and the flower girls are wearing cute ivory poofy dresses.

They help me put on my dress and veil, I don't even know how I look.

"You look gorgeous, Angie." Hazel says and everyone nods in agreement.

Annie's eyes swell with tears, I give her a hug.

"Don't worry about me, look at yourself."

I smile and face the mirror. I don't even recognize myself.

My hair is curled perfectly, falling past my shoulders. My eyelashes are long and dark, my eyes are highlighted with color under them. My lips are a baby pink, my cheeks have a rosy blush. My dress, green with ivory details. And my veil is ivory, it ends at my lower back.

"You guys did a really good job," I say. "Thank you." I hug each of my friends.

They made me feel beautiful, and I'm glad I feel beautiful for the biggest day of my life.

"It's time to go," Kim says.

We all walk together, I'm so excited.

We are picked up in a car for all of us to fit and driven to the beach. I stay in the car, Finn is not allowed to see me yet. Finnick stands by the car, him and I walk down last.

I watch through the window as the pastor down the isle, followed by Finn who looks perfect in his tux.

Then Daniel and Hazel walk down together, followed by Cody and Cynthia. Annie walks last.

I step out and Kayla and Maggie walk in front of me, tossing flower pedals on the floor as I walk.

Finn sees me and smiles, I smile back and I feel nervous. What if I mess up my vows? I'm so nervous.

Before I know it Finnick has walked me all the way down the isle, he kisses my forehead and hugs me. He also hugs Finn and he sits down with Annie and Maggie, and everyone else.

Finn grabs my hands and I hold his.

"We are gathered here today, to join Finn and Angie in marriage. If anyone has a reason these two should not be wed, please speak now or forever hold your peace."

No one objects, plus, if they did, that wouldn't stop me from marrying Finn.

"We will now continue with the ceremony," the preacher says. "Do you Finnick Odair take Angela Casey for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, for rich or for poor, until death do you part?"

Finn smiles at me and says, "I do,"

"Do you Angela Casey take Finnick Odair for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

I nod, "I do,"

"You may now say your vows,"

I wait for Finn to start and he does, "Angie, I remember when I had just met you, and my parents had seen us together, and my dad joked with me about us falling in love,"

I look over at Finnick who is smirking. I smile and look back at Finn.

"I didn't believe him, because I was eight years old and I thought of you as my best friend, but that one day, you wore a green dress and your hair was curled. You were perfectly gorgeous and something that day hit me. Ever since then I've seen you in a different light, and I didn't want to just be your friend anymore. And today is the happiest day of my life, because I am marrying my best friend. And I can't live without my best friend, I can't live without you, Angie." Finn slides my rings on my fingers.

I've never wanted to kiss him so bad, we haven't had our first kiss.

"Finn, I remember I used to question if you really loved me, but I'll never forget the day I knew you loved me. I had lost my memory, I didn't know who you were, and you didn't walk out on me, you didn't give up on me. I was confused that day, but all I kept thinking was, "this boy must really love me", and I didn't know why. But now I know not only that you love me, but I am madly in love with you. My entire world is you, you are my everything, you are my other half. I love you, Finn." I slide his ring on his finger.

"I now pronounce you, husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Finn holds me close and I hold him too, he kisses me and I've never experienced anything like it.

He pulls away and says, "Finally." Before he kisses me again.

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