Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Annie Pov.

"Surprise!" Everyone yells as I walk through the door.

"You guys! Thanks!" I say.

Katniss taps my shoulder and whispers, "thank him." And points to Finnick.

"Finnick, was this your idea?" I ask.

He smirks, "guilty as charged."

I run over to him and jump into his arms. I give him a kiss.

"I love you, thanks for making all my birthdays so sweet." I say.

"I love you more, and thank you for being born on this day, because I couldn't imagine my life without you in it."

I smile when he says this. He's always finding different ways to remind me that he's so grateful for me. Every day he makes me love him more, which doesn't seem possible.

"How do you make me fall in love with you more and more every day?" I ask.

"It's easy, I just tell you how I truly feel. And you do the same to me." He tells me.

"I love you so so so so much. Forever and always, you know that right?" I ask.

"I know, you know what else I know? I know that I love you more than you will ever love me." He says.

"Not possible." I say. I think he lets me win today because it's my birthday. "Katniss, Peeta, Kim, Xavier, Nixon, Finn, Angie, Lilly, Darius, and Maggie, thank you guys for making this my best birthday ever."

They all say no problem, or anytime. Finn and Angie give me a hug. Lilly and Darius do to. I hug Kim, Xavier, Nixon, Katniss and Peeta. We eat food and then Peeta brings out a birthday cake and I know he made it.

"Oh my gosh, Peeta, did you make this?" I ask.

"Yea, do you like it?" He asks.

"It's amazing, thank you." I say.

The cake is three tiers, it's my favorite kind of blue on the top and bottom tiers, and sea green on the middle. On the bottom, he has frosted waves. The middle has shells on it. The top has Finnick's name frosted in cursive, also he wrote Angie, Finn, and Maggie. On the top, it says my name and has candles to make a wish. Another cute detail is the sugar cubes sitting on the bottom plate. They all sing happy birthday.

"Make a wish." Finnick tells me.

"What could I wish for when I have everything I want and more?" I ask.

"That's up to you." He says.

I nod and close my eyes. I silently wish, "I wish that I will never lose my family."

Everyone claps. "I love you guys." I say.

They all say in sync, "We love you, Annie."

We all talk and have fun, but it is a school night so at nine o'clock we send the kids up to bed. They put up a fight but eventually listen. Maggie lays in Katniss's arms and eventually falls asleep.

"Thanks for getting her to sleep." I say.

"No problem, I'll go put her upstairs." Katniss puts her in her bed, and walks back down.

We all talk awhile, but Xavier and Kim head out. Nixon leaves a few minutes later. Katniss and Peeta go to bed and Finnick and I do to. We get in bed and I turn so that I'm facing him.

"Thanks for doing so much for my birthday, even though I don't need a big celebration." I say.

"You're right, you don't need a big celebration, but you deserve it. Because you're the best mom, the best wife, the best everything." He says.

I give him a kiss and ask, "What would I do without you?"

"Don't worry about it, I'll always be here." He says.

"I love you."

"I love you, thanks for being born today. This is one of the best days of my life. Because if you weren't born today, our wonderful kids wouldn't be born, and I wouldn't find the one and only love of my life." He kisses me and we fall asleep.

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