Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Finnick Pov.

I walk with Peeta and all the kids to the beach. Peeta and I talk a little about how we're doing. Apparently him and Katniss are doing really good and so is District Twelve. I tell him how amazing everything is here too. I've never had a better life than I do now. I mean, maybe when I was little and I had my parents. Before I was a tribute, a victor, a solider. But I can't picture a better life now. I have two perfect kids and the most incredible wife. What else do I need? We get to the beach and they all run right into the water. From what I can see they're all having fun. Peeta and I talk a little more before we join them in the water. Everything goes good, until Angie gets out of the water. I didn't hear Finn or her say anything, but I'm curious and I think Finn will tell me what just happened.


Finn Pov.

*A few minutes earlier*

"Finn, I have to tell you something." Angie says seriously.

"Um, okay. Lilly, Darius, we'll be right back." I say and swim next to her.

"Finn, you're acting kind of different around Lilly..." she says.

"Angie, are you saying you think I like her? Because you're completely wrong." I say.

"She likes you, it's obvious." she says.

"No she doesn't! I'm being nice to her because she doesn't have any friends here and I want her to feel welcome!" I explain, why is she being so difficult?

"Just because I might be wrong, you could at least act like you care about my feelings! You're basically calling me stupid. But guess what Finn? Wether or not you believe it, you're just to easy lose!" she looks like she's about to cry and she walks out of the water.

I swim as fast as I can. I can't believe she even thought for a second that Lilly likes me or I like Lilly. Lilly doesn't like me. Or, maybe she does. But it shouldn't matter, because I don't like her that way. I finally get to Angie. She starts running into the jungle but I grab her arm but not hard.

"Let me go!" She says and I hear her cracky voice from crying.

"No, Angie. I'll never let you go." I tell her.

She turns around. "Why? Why not? There's a much prettier girl down there. Why me?"

"I've already told you. You just haven't believed me yet. But trust me, Angela Casey, I'll prove it to you."

This brings a small smile to her face. "How?"

"Well, if you don't breakup with me, I can show you."

"Now why on earth, would I breakup with Finnick Odair?" She asks.

I smile too. "Can we start swimming again?"

"Hm... I guess so."

We walk back down to the beach she swims over to Lilly and Darius. My Dad swims over to me.

"Girl troubles?" He asks.

"Jealousy..." I say.

"Yea, I was the jealous one..."

"What?" I ask, surprised.

"Yea I know. But it's okay now?" He asks.

"Yea, I handled it. Thanks to the charm you handed down to me." I tell him.

"You're right, you are charming." He says in a girly voice and we laugh. "Now go hang out with them."

I swim back over to them and have a great time the rest of the day.

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