Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Finn Pov.

*Before Annie is rescued*

I wake up and walk down the stairs to find my dad who is pulling his own hair, pacing back and forth.

"Dad?" I say but he doesn't seem to notice me. "Dad?" I say louder.

"Oh, Finn. Hi, uh go back upstairs for now okay?" He says.

"Dad, I'm eleven years old and I'm just like you. What's wrong?" I ask.

"Mom, she's... Gone." He says, a few tears fall out of his eyes.

"What? Where is she?" I ask, I start to cry a little too.

"We're looking for her, I promise. We don't know what happened." He says.

"Dad, is she gonna be okay?" I ask.

He gives me a hug, "I'll make sure she's okay." I love my mom so much and I couldn't imagine my life without her. She's also my friend and I don't want to lose her. I'm so worried about her. "You might have to stay here with Peeta so that me and some other people can go find her."

I nod. "I'll do whatever you tell me as long as you find Mom and bring her back home."

Dad nods his head too, "I'm gonna go get some things ready, can you explain to Angie what's going on?"

I say yes and run up the stairs. I don't bother to knock on Angie's door, I just run in.

"Finn, is everything alright?" she asks, clearly concerned.

"No, my Mom is missing. My Dad has to go find her, you, me, Maggie, and Katniss and Peeta's kids have to stay here. Peeta is going to watch us so that they can find her." I blurt out all at once.

"This is all my fault! Finn why did you let me stay with you guys? Seriously, your Mom is more important than me. She did so much for me and now because of me my parents have her and they're probably hurting her! I'm such a horrible person. Finn do you see what they want me to do? You have to give me back to them or they'll keep Annie." I didn't expect her to say all that.

"Angie you obviously don't understand how our family works. We protect each other, even if that means the other is in danger, and then we help the one in danger. And it all works out in the end." I try to calm her down, she's so mad at herself.

"Finn, one day your family is going to run out of luck,"

I cut her off, "It's not luck Angie! We don't give up, we're not going to give up until my Mom is back!"

"I'm sorry, Finn. My family they're not like yours,"

"Angie we are your family now." I say.

I wrap her in a hug, I kiss the top of her head.

"I love you Angie."

"I love you Finn."

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