Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

Finnick Pov.

The wedding yesterday was really fun. Finn and Angie deserved to have a good time and Annie, Maggie and I all had fun to. It's times like these that make you wish though. I wish my son got to meet his grandparents, I wish he got to meet Mags. But he couldn't, and I've learned to live without regrets.

"Good morning sunshine," I say when Annie wakes up.

She smiles, "Hi Finn,"

"Wanna go out today, just you and I?" I ask.

"Sure, but whose gonna watch Maggie?" She asks.

"Maggie and Kayla scheduled time to hang out yesterday at the wedding, Kim is gonna take them to the beach."

"Do you have something planned?" Annie asks.

I smirk, "Maybe..."

"Still hooked on surprises after all these years. I honestly thought you'd out grow it, or stop doing it."

"Never," I say.

"Good, because the only surprises I like are the ones you plan."

I smile, "Okay, we're gonna go somewhere at night, around six o'clock, it's kinda fancy so you might wanna dress pretty. Even though you're always pretty."

She rolls her eyes and kisses my cheek, "Okay, well I gotta take Maggie to school."

"Alright, I'm gonna go to."

I get ready and so does Annie. Maggie is up and ready for school.

"Good morning!" I say and pick her up and swing her around and she giggles. "Did you get enough sleep?"

"Yea, I'll be okay. I like school so I don't wanna miss one day, plus I'm going to Kayla's house today!"

"Yup, remember to be a good girl,"

"I will,"

"I know you're always good!"

She laughs, "Kayla is good too, but can I tell you a secret, Daddy?"

I smirk, "Sure,"

"Okay, but you can't tell Auntie Kim or Uncle Xavier,"

"I won't,"

"Okay, Kim has a crush on one of the boys in school." she giggles mischievously.

"I won't tell, but do you like any boys?" I ask her.

"Ew! No! Boys have cooties!" she yells. "I don't like them, yuck!"

I laugh. "That's my little girl,"

"The only boys I like is you and Finn, and uncle Xavier, and uncle Nixon."

"That's right!" she laughs a little. "Come on, we gotta get you to school."

Annie, Maggie, and I start walking to the same school that Angie and Finn went to. It hasn't changed much, just new equipment. But it almost looks the same from when Annie and I went to this school.

"Bye Maggie," Annie and I both say.

"Bye Daddy, bye Mommy." she gives us hugs and leaves.

Annie and I turn around and start walking the other way.

"I got the first hug," I smirk. Finn used to hug Annie first.

"Yea but I got all Finn's first hugs."

We walk past Finn and Angie's house.

"Wanna go say hi?" Annie asks.

"Annie, they just got married, shouldn't we give them their space?"

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