Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Finn Pov.

Angie and I get ready for school, Dad takes us to school. Tomorrow is Mom and Dad's wedding anniversary so I guess all of us kids are staying with Auntie Kim and Uncle Xavier. Which I do not mind because they are so fun. I mean, not as fun as my Mom and Dad, but a close second.

I'm worried about how Angie will do in school because she won't remember anything from class. I'm also worried about the other kids. Girls are already mean to Angie and I could see them making fun of her because she lost her memory. They're really messed up like that. We get to school and Dad starts walking back home. Angie and I walk to our first class, one of the mean girls comes over to us. Her name is Catrina. Catrina has apparently had a crush on me for awhile, so she takes her anger out on Angie. 

"Hey Angie," She says, with an attitude.

"Sorry, do I know you?" Angie asks.

She laughs sarcastically. "Wow, you're going to pretend like you don't know me?" 

"Catrina, she doesn't know you. She lost her memory over the weekend." I tell her.

At this point, a crowd of kids is watching this.

"Aw, Finn I'm so sorry. But, since she doesn't like you anymore, just know that I'm here for you." Catrina says and it makes my skin crawl in disgust.

"You know, just because I lost my memory, it doesn't mean that I don't still like Finn. Because I do. So back off." Angie says.

The crowd says random things about Angie's come back.

"Oh, I see you grew a spine." Catrina says.

"Catrina, shouldn't you be putting on another three coats of makeup?" Angie asks.

"Burn!" A few people say.

I can't help but laugh a little.

"Excuse me?" Catrina asks.

"You heard me," Angie says. "So why don't you make like the ocean, and wave goodbye?" 

Catrina gasps and walks away. People tell Angie things like "that was awesome." or, "You showed her."

"That was, wow." I tell her.

"Thanks," she says. "Would the original me say that?"

"Probably not, but I don't mind the new Angie. I like both of them." I tell her.

She smiles and we go into class. The teachers know what happened to Angie, but it doesn't matter. She might've lost her memory, but she's still as sharp as a knife. 

"How do you know all of that?" I ask.

"I don't know, it's kinda easy." She says and shrugs her shoulders.

"I think that no matter what happens to you, you'll always be a smart cookie." This makes her laugh a little.

At lunch the two of us sit together, and my friends Simon, Cody, and Daniel join us. They've all been nice to Angie, but I think they were impressed with her little show down today.

"Hey Finn, Hey Angie," Daniel says, sitting across from us.

"Hey, so Angie this is Daniel, this is Cody, and this is Simon." I tell her.

"Nice to re-meet you." She says and they laugh a little.

"So what happened that made you lose your memory?" Cody asks.

"I was swimming with Finn and his family, there was a stingray and it stung me. So they took me to the hospital, but when they gave me the medication, it completely erased my memory. Finn has been helping me remember though." She tells them.

"Whoa," Simon says. "That's crazy. Well, the one good thing is that you don't remember the pain."

This makes her laugh a little. "Yea, I guess."

Daniel asks, "So are you guys like, still a couple?"

I don't know if I should answer, but Angie grabs my hand under the table and says, "Yes."

"So, you still like him, even without memories of him?" Cody asks.

She nods, "And I trust him that he's not just filling my head with lies."

"That's good, because he would die alone without you." Simon says, referring to me.

"Hey!" I say, everyone laughs including me. 

"He wouldn't die alone," Angie says, rollling her eyes like it's obvious.

"Yea, I would." I tell her.

"No, there's tons of girls that like you." She says.

"It doesn't matter, because I only like one of them." This makes her smile and the guys do to.

"Finn, and Angie, do you wanna come to my birthday party this weekend? It's gonna be at the beach on Sautrday." Cody asks.

"Sure, that would be fun." Angie says.

"Cool, we are gonna swim so wear your bathing suites." He tells us.

We nod, the bell rings and we go to our last classes. When school ends, Mom, Dad, and Maggie pick us up.

"How was school for you, Angie?" Dad asks.

"Fine, I was able to do the school work, and Finn and his friends were all fun to hang out with so, it went better than I thought." She tells him.

"That's good." He says.

We get home and we pack for tomorrow because Kim and Xavier are going to pick us up from school. We eat dinner and I walk Angie to her room. 

"Thank you," She says and it's barely audible.

"For what?" I ask, I don't know what she's thanking me for.

"For, being there for me. When I lost my memory, you could've walked out on me. But, for some reason you still wanted to take care of me." She pauses and then adds, "You still loved me."

"That's because I didn't want to lose you." I tell her.

She gives me a hug and I hug her back.

"Goodnight Angie." 

"Goodnight Finn."

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