Chapter 49

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Chapter 49

Finnick Pov.

It's so lonely without my two favorite girls here with me. If I wasn't so stupid and if I didn't spend time with Alexa in the first place this never would've happened. It's horrible, living here all alone. I have my friends, the other victors, but they have their own lives too. Well, except Nixon who is all alone. I've been trying to help him but he just gets really mad and cranky so I kinda gave up. He's not willing to change and I'm no longer willing to help. Nixon was a great friend, but now his only friend is in a bottle.

The phone rings and I run to grab it.

"Hey Finn," Annie's beautiful voice greets me.

"Hi sweetie, I miss you,"

"I, I miss you too, Finn," she says. "I'm gonna be home tomorrow night,"

"Great! I can't wait to see you," I tell her.

"Yea, there's a couple things I gotta talk to you about though." She tells me.

"Okay, I promise we'll figure all of this out as soon as you get back, okay?"

"Okay," she agrees.

"I love you Annie, a lot,"

"I love you too Finn,"

I smile and tell her, "I'll see you soon."

"See you soon." She repeats and hangs up.

I felt like her angelic voice just teased me. It wasn't enough. I need her here. Her there isn't good enough.

I call her back.

"Yea?" She asks.

"I love you,"

She giggles a little on the other line. "I love you too, see you tomorrow."

"Are there any earlier times you can come?" I ask.

"I can check," she says.

"Okay, I'll leave you alone now,"

"No. You don't have to ever leave me alone."

I smile, "I love you Annie, and I'm sorry."

"I love you, I wanna talk and then I'm sure everything will be fine." She says.

"Okay, I love you."

She laughs because I've said that a lot.

"Love you,"



I go in my room and fall asleep, still all alone.


Annie Pov.

"When's the next train to District Four?" I ask the lady at the train station.

"It leaves in thirty minutes," she tells me.

"Thank you,"

After I grab all my stuff from Johanna's, and Maggie's stuff and we say goodbye we wait for our train, I'm gonna surprise Finn by coming home early. I felt really bad after talking with him on the phone, but what if that's what he wanted to happen? Trick me into coming home. No I'm sure I'm wrong, he genuinely sounded upset that I wasn't there. And if I'm wrong I guess I just leave again. The one reason I did feel bad about leaving was Maggie. She shouldn't have to deal with this but I knew it was best for awhile. I wasn't going to let Finnick get away with what happened. You pick your battles, and I need to fight this one.

Maggie falls asleep as I play with her beautiful light brown wavy hair.

We get to district four and I wake up Maggie and the two of us walk up to our house.

"Who would come now?" Finnick asks himself.

Maggie giggles and I put my finger to my lips, signaling to be quiet. She nods.

"Oh my gosh! Annie, Maggie!" Finnick cheers and kisses me right away, catching me off guard a little but I don't refuse, I missed him too. "I love you,"

"I love you,"

Maggie fake coughs, "What about me?" She asks.

"Don't worry, I didn't forget about my other favorite girl!" Finnick tells her.

He spins Maggie around and she laughs. Then she runs inside. I follow behind her and Finn wraps his arms around me.

"Thanks for coming home early,"

"No problem," I say.

"Do you wanna go, um, talk now?" he asks.

"Yea, should we maybe ask Kim if Maggie could hang out at her house?" I ask.

"Okay, while you call her I'll go hang out with her a bit," he says.

I nod and call Kim who tells me to send her over.

Maggie comes running down the stairs with a small backpack of toys or something and I watch her cross the lawn to get to Kim's.

I thank Kim and then close our door.
I sit on the couch. Finnick sits down next to me.

"So I wanna start off with something I did when I was gone," I start. "I went to District Two, where Alexa lives, and I found out a lot."

"Like what?" Finnick asks.

"I'll start off with the most important fact, she's my sister."

"How is that possible? I mean, she looks like you and she acts like you, and-" he stops. "And her parents sent her away, and she has to be your sister. Annie if I would've known, I would've told you that I met your sister, I just, didn't."

"Yea, I know you didn't know that," he nods. "Another thing, she told me you guys weren't a couple or anything, she knew about me, but she didn't know that I was her sister, and she didn't know that we were in an actual serious relationship." He nods again. "And you told her all of the secrets,"


"That's the part that made me so upset, you said you couldn't tell me, but you told her instead," my eyes swell up with tears. "That's what hurt me the most,"

"I'm sorry Annie, the reason I told her was for the simple fact that I didn't love her,"

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"If Snow punished her, I would've been a little upset, but I would've been okay. I needed to tell someone something and I just told her." He explains.

"I still wish I was the first one you told," he nods. "But I understand you needed to tell someone,"

"Anything else?" he asks.

"Um, Alexa is, um," I fumble with the words.

"What?" he asks.

"Alexa loves, you."

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