Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Finnick Pov.

I'm tied to a chair, the mutts that attacked me in the tunnels are tearing apart my family. I can't move. They tear up Angie first, she screams and cries and begs for my help. They do the same to Finn, Maggie, and then to Annie. I can't talk or close my eyes. I can't even tell them goodbye. And once they finish hurting them, I'm thrown into a white room, with nothing in it. I can't hurt myself, or anyone else. There is no one else. I sit in an empty room, except for the TV, that plays my family's death over and over again.

I wake up, panting, trying to catch my breath. Annie turns on the light and turns to me.

"Finn, honey, are you okay?" She asks.

I wrap her in my arms, knowing she's safe in my arms. I pull her away and give her a kiss. "I am now that you're here." I pull her back into my arms.

"You're sure?" She asks, confused and concerned.

"Yea. I promise I'm okay now." I say, trying to reassure her. I don't want her to worry about me.

"Okay, do you want to talk about it?" She asks.

"No, I'm okay." I say.

"Okay, I love you Finn. Sorry you had a bad dream." She says.

"I'm fine. I love you, go back to sleep." I tell her. She nods and turns off the light. She falls back asleep in my arms.

I don't fall back asleep as easy, I just hold Annie like a kid would hold it's teddy bear. When I finally force myself to sleep, the nightmare just repeats itself.


When I wake up, Annie's gone and I feel panicked, believing my nightmare came true. But nothing happened, there's a note she left next to me.

"Good morning, honey. Didn't want to wake you, you didn't get much sleep. I had to take the kids to school and run to the grocery store with Maggie and Katniss. Peeta is starting breakfast for us. Be back soon, love you. Annie."

Out of all mornings, why did she have to leave on this one? I know she'll be back, but nightmares like that, they're hard to deal with. It's hard to remind yourself that the days of torture are gone. Because we've been living in them for so long. I get dressed and see Peeta making a big breakfast.

"Good morning, Finnick." He says.

"Hi Peeta." A question crosses my mind. "Peeta, do you guys still have nightmares?"

"Of course we do." He says. "Why?"

"I, just had one last night. A really bad one. I've never had so much. Friends, two... Three kids, a wife that I love to death. I'm afraid of losing them." I tell him.

"Don't worry, we don't have anything to worry about anymore." He says.

I nod, "I'm gonna meet the girls at the store."

"Okay. See you later."

I run out the door. Annie is walking home, I couldn't wait another minute to see her though. Not after last night's nightmare. When I watched her being torn to shreds.


She looks up, "Finn?" I hug her and she hugs me as best she can with groceries in her arms. "You okay?"

"I just, I needed to see you. As soon as I woke up." I try to explain.

"Finn, I think you need to talk about your nightmare when we get inside." She says.

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