Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

Angie Pov.

After I talked to Ms. Pat, Simon met me in front of the class.

"Hey Angie," he says with a smile.


"So, Finn and the other guys are sitting over here," he walks me in a certain direction.

"Okay." I say, following him.

He takes me to a garden, I haven't been here before, and if I have I don't remember being here.

"You're really... beautiful," Simon says to me.

This is weird...

"Thanks, so... Where's Finn?" I ask.

He smirks and gets closer to me, "Can you forget about Finn?"

Then he kisses me. I shove him off of me.

"What the heck?! Finn is your friend, and I am his girlfriend, and you will never do that ever again!"

"Well of course he gets all the girls! I like you Angie! But because he is the son of Finnick Odair everyone is so obsessed with him and I'm tired of it! If it weren't for his dad, people wouldn't care about him." He says angrily.

I slap him, "For your information, I love Finn for who he is, not because his father is Finnick Odair." I storm off and look for Finn.


Finn Pov.

Right when this happens, I turn away. I can't watch the girl that said she loves me, the girl that I'm in love with, kiss one of my best friends.

I'm not going to cry, that'll make me look weak. I'm mad, I'm angry.

I see Daniel and Cody still at our table, I sit down where I was before.

"So, did you find Angie?" Daniel asks.

"Yea, I found Angie. And I found Simon. They were together. Kissing in the garden." I tell them.

They both gasp, they're truly shocked.

"That's why he was acting so weird." Cody says.

"Are you okay Finn?" Daniel asks.

I nod, "Yea, I'm fine."

"No you're not," Cody says. "I've known you since kindergarten, and you are sad and angry. Not only do you want to kill Simon, you want to make Angie feel bad too."

"You're right on half of that," I say. "I can't hurt Angie."

"Dude, you're too good of a guy. You can get any girl in this school." Daniel says.

"Thanks, but I'm not ready for a rebound." I say.

He nods, "I'm sorry. Don't worry, you'll be okay."

"I hope so." I mumble.

Angie sits in the chair next to me. "Hey Finny, I gotta talk to you about something-"

"Save it Angie. I made you a promise, if we broke up you wouldn't have to move out of our house, and you don't. But I'm breaking up with you."

"Finn... No, if this is about Simon, that was not what it looked like. I can explain everything-"

I cut her off, "Angie, this is hard enough for me," a tear escapes my eye. "Do me a favor and stop making it worse."

Angie starts crying and I walk away, Cody and Daniel follow behind me.

"It's gonna be okay, man." Cody pats me shoulder.

I just nod. I see Simon in the hall. I drop my backpack on the sidewalk, I walk over to him and punch him in the face, knocking him out instantly. I then walk away with Cody and Daniel who are speechless.

End of school...

Dad picks Angie and I up from school who haven't spoken or looked at each other.

"Hey," he looks at me, he looks at her. "Is everything okay?"

"I don't wanna talk about it," I say, walking past my Dad towards my house that's not far away. I can see it from here.

I knock on the door and Mom answers the door. One look at me and she asks, "Sweetie, what's wrong?"

Right then and there, I break into tears. She pulls me into her arms, holding me tight and comforting me.

"Tell me what happened upstairs." she says, I nod. She walks up the stairs with me, we go in her room where we sit on the bed, sitting criss-cross.

I pull myself together as best as I can so I can get through the story. "So, today at school, Angie said she had to talk to our science teacher. But, I asked her if she had seen her, and she said she went towards the garden with Simon, my good friend. And I went over there, and they were... kissing." I wipe away a few tears that I tried to hold in my eyes.

Mom pulls me into another hug, and kisses the top of my head. "Honey, I'm sorry."

"Why does this happen?" I ask.

"I don't know why bad things happen. But sometimes good things fall apart, so that better things can fall together."

Good things fall apart so better things can fall together?

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Well, my family in six was good, but it fell apart for me when I left, but something better fell together. Your dad and I."

This makes me smile. "I love you Mom."

"I love you too, I'm sorry. Don't worry, you'll meet that one special girl one day. You're one broken heart closer to a happily ever after."

"Mom, I know some of yours and Dad's stories. Happily ever after... It doesn't seem realistic."

"Trust me Finn, it is. It's just not easy." She says.

"Thanks for making me feel better." I tell her.

"Anything for you," she says. "You know, you're still my baby. To be honest, I didn't want you dating anyways."

This makes me laugh a little. "I'm gonna go do my homework."

Mom nods and I walk downstairs and sit in the library, I get my green notebook. I turn to the page with my notes, I see the page where Angie drew a really beautiful picture. It takes up an entire page, it has an eye, a heart and the letter U, so it says I love you. I rip out the page, rip it up, crumble the pieces in a ball and throw it in the trash.


Angie Pov.

"I didn't want any of this to happen, Simon said he was taking me to Finn and the other guys, but he took me in that garden and kissed me. I shoved him off and then told him that he was being a bad friend. I went to go tell Finn what happened and that's when he broke up with me." I tell Finnick.

"Well, this is hard. Because I believe you, and I'm sure Finn has his side of the story." I say.

"Don't side with me, Finn is your son and I don't want to hurt your relationship with him." I tell him.

I hurt Finn unintentionally. I'm not gonna hurt him anymore.

"I want you guys to talk, so I will organize something with Annie's help and if we can't get you back together, we can at least get you to be friends." He says.

"Being friends would be better than nothing," I tell him and he nods.

I need Finn in my life, as a friend, enemy, or boyfriend. I just need him. But being his friend would hurt me, because I obviously still love him.

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