Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Annie Pov.

We get off of the train in the morning. We walk inside our house, it feels good to be back home. I don't like leaving District Four to be honest, I rather just stay here. It's my home, it's where I feel happy and safe.

"Home sweet home," Finnick mumbles, which is exactly what I was thinking when we walked through the door.

I smile at him.

"Can we go to the beach, Dad?" Finn asks.

"I think that's a great idea." I say.

Finnick nods his head in agreement. "You kids go get ready."

Angie and Finn smile at each other and run up the stairs. Finnick and I get everything ready. A couple minutes later, Angie and Finn run down the stairs with bathing suites and towels. We walk out with Maggie. It's almost five o'clock, but night swimming is fun. We get to the beach and Finn and Angie run right into the water, making both Finnick and I smile. Finnick picks up Maggie, and the three of us walk into the water together. The water is surprisingly warm, considering it's almost night time. We hold Maggie who is still a little uneasy about the water. She's probably like me, she dislikes it now, maybe she'll learn to love it. I hope she does, because we spend most of our time here. I just realized that the kids missed a full week of school and the weekend has started again. Aen't they getting lucky? Oh well, I want to spend time with them anyways. Finn and Angie get out of the water for a second, I of course am curious to know why.

"Hey, Finn?" I say.

"Yes, Annie?" Finick asks.

"Can you please hold Maggie so I can go-"

He cuts me off, "Spy on our son and his girlfriend?" He asks suspiciously of me.

"Yes," I say, full of embarassment and guilt. He just laughs and takes Maggie. "Thanks."

I swim to shore and they don't notice me, I get into the jungle and try to listen to their conversation without them noticing.

"Angie, what's wrong?" Finn asks.

"I don't know, my leg is really stinging," She starts to cry and I come out from the jungle.

"Angie, are you okay?" I ask.

"I don't know, my leg," She grabs it and I can tell she's in pain.

I call Finnick over. He comes out of the water in seconds. "Is everything alright?" He asks.

"Something is wrong with Angie's leg. Do you think it's a sting?" I ask.

With one look he nods his head and says, "Probably a jellyfish, or a stingray."

"Did you guys see something in the water?" I ask.

"There was a grey thing, but I didn't see it sting me." Angie says.

Finn looks panicked and holds her head up, "You're gonna be okay, Angie. I promise."

She smiles before she passes out from the sting. Finnick picks her up, I pick up Maggie and we all rush to the hospital. We burst through the doors and Ms. Everdeen sees us in our bathing suites and immediatly calls for people to bring over many supplies. Including a stretcher for Angie to lay on. Finn tries to follow Angie.

"Sorry, Finn." Says Ms. Everdeen. "You can visit her when we make her feel better, okay?"

"Nurse Everdeen, I need to see her. Please, let me stay I won't touch any of the doctor's tools, I'll just sit there with Angie." He begs.

"Finn, we'll see her in an hour or so." I say, trying to persuade him.

He starts to cry for Angie, and it breaks my heart to see him like this. A frown creeps up on Finnick's face, this is what it was like for him. After my games, or when I almost fell out of a glass window, or when I was in the Capitol and he was in Thirteen. He knows what Finn is feeling.

"Hey, Finn. She's gonna be alright." Finnick tells him.

"I promised that I would protect her and never leave her. I need to be there with her." He says.

"Don't worry," Finnick pulls out his rope from his back pocket. He carries it with him almost everywhere now. "Here."

We walk to a small waiting center where Finn is frantically tying the knots and then he unties them. I keep thinking about how this is how Finnick acted when he couldn't see me. When he knew I was in danger, when he thought he would lose me. Finnick looks over me, he knows when I think about these things. Because I don't look happy when I do think about these things. He grabs my hand, and I look at him.

"What are you thinking about?" He asks.

"Is this how you acted when you thought I wasn't safe?" I ask in a quiet voice.

He nods, "Except I was worse."

This makes me a little more upset. Ms. Everdeen comes out of Angie's room and we all stand up.

"She's okay, but-" She is cut off by Finn who runs in the room.

We follow behind him, Angie sits there and she stares at us blankly.

"Hi Angie," Finn says sweetly, walking over to her.

My heart breaks for Finn when Angie asks, "Who are you, and, whose Angie?"

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