Chapter 65

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Chapter 65

Maggie Pov.

Nope, I can't be in love. Not after less than a week, come on who falls in love in six days?! Is it because of how long I've known him? That has to be it, you can't just fall in love with someone so quickly. If I told him he wouldn't believe me or think I was crazy for loving someone I've only been dating for six days.

Maybe when we're in district twelve it will be better to tell him, depending on how long we're there. Three days would be too short, but maybe in two weeks, that would be enough time.

Unless he says it first.

No, don't be delusional Maggie, he's not going to say it today, tomorrow, or even the next day. It's way too soon to be in love, but clearly it's not. Because I am.


I get on the train the next day. District twelve! I've never been so excited in my life, I mean, who wouldn't be excited about going to their boyfriend or girlfriend's district?

"Are you gonna show me the woods, just like I showed you the beach?" I ask Darius.

"Of course, you can't see district twelve without seeing our forest." he says.

"You said you have a lake there, do you think it'll be cold right now?" I ask.

"No, it'll be normal, not to hot, not to cold."

I nod. "What do you normally do there?"

"I usually paint," he says. "I just remembered, I painted one of you recently, it was based off memory, though so I don't know how accurate it is."

He painted a picture of me?

"Why did you paint one of me...?" I ask.

He shrugs, "I guess I was thinking about you that day, I had a crush on you as a kid so, I don't know, you just snuck your way back to my memory."

I smile, "I liked you too,"

"Yeah, but I liked you ever since I was... Ten, I think. But I thought it was weird to like a younger girl, at this age it's okay, but back then it would've been weird."

"Yeah, plus you really think dad would let me date then?"

He laughs, "no, of course not, I just liked you but thought it was odd, to like someone smaller than you. But hey, love is love."

Whoa, was he saying that as just, to say it or implying he loves me?

He looks embarrassed.

"You... You, love, me?" He doesn't say anything. "Or were you just making an example-"

"You were right the first time," he says. "I know it's crazy right? Six days of technically dating and I'm already in love with you, I can't help it."

I lace my fingers with his. "I guess you're not the only crazy one, because I fell in love with you almost right away."

He smiles, "Seriously?"

"Absolutely, positively, a million times, yes."


We arrive in district twelve. To be honest I thought it would be a little bit more... Beautiful, than it actually is. When you look at Darius you would expect him to live somewhere just as gorgeous and nice as him. Maybe it's because of how much this district has gone trough.

"Welcome to district twelve," Darius says, passing me my bag. "I know the town isn't much, compared to your fancy little island," I roll my eyes. "But the woods make up for the town's lack of beauty."

"It's not that bad, I like it, it's a quaint little district,"

"That's a nice way of putting it," he says.

We get into his house, it actually looks like ours, other then the personal touches, like decorations.

"Your room is next door to mine," Darius says with a smile.

"Okay, where's your room?" I ask.

He leads the way, his room is big like mine, and the one next to it is the same size.

"Same size as mine back home," I say.

"Yeah, all the victors houses seem to have the same layout," He tells me.

I nod.

"So what do you wanna do first?" he asks.

"Well since your favorite spot is the woods, the lake, why don't we go there?" I suggest.

"Alright, did you bring a bathing suite?" He asks. "We don't usually wear them in twelve, but if you got one mine-as-well use it. I got one from district four so I'm wearing mine."

"Of course I brought a bathing suite, when you're raised in four, you bring them almost everywhere." He laughs a little.

I go in the guest bathroom to change, and we both grab two towels and go to the lake.

I don't know what to expect, considering my judgement on the district was way off.

"Would you say the lake is the most beautiful thing in district twelve?" I ask.

"Well today it takes second place,"

I look over at him.

"You take first,"

I smile and kiss his cheek. "Thanks, but it's not like I'm that good looking."

"Maggie, have you seen yourself?" I laugh. "Seriously, you're indescribably beautiful."

"Are you not gonna back down?" I ask.

"Nope. Admit you're pretty," he says.

I look at him confused. "I'm not bad looking, good enough?"

"No, say "I Maggie Odair am beautiful, say it like you mean it."

I shake my head, "I'm not doing that, who would be coincided enough to do that?"

"Come on, please just say it!"

"Why? I'll say anything else!"

"Anything else?" he asks.

"Yes anything else."

"Okay, can you repeat what you said on the train?"

I think for a second, and then I know.

"I love you, Darius."


Authors Note

Hey Daggie shippers! So I'm sure everyone's happy there's been no plot twists. Well, I don't know if I wanna twist it up, because they're so cute together, but be aware, I always find a way ;)

So I'm in school again! I love school so so so so so so much and... I'm happy! Maybe that's why my chapters are so happy... Because I am happy... Ohh... Now I get my non existent urge to twist things up.

Anyways, hope you have a good Labor Day, if any of you have family members away for the army I wish you the best. You are a true fighter just like your family member, friend, boyfriend/girlfriend, husband/wife ect.

Thank you guys so much for reading I love ya'll! Keep reading!

(Not necessarily my book, but any book because reading is good for you and... Yeah, you get the picture.)

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