Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Finnick Pov.

I get up and take Finn to school, I leave Maggie next to Annie. I leave her a note, it's kind of a habit. We get to his school.

"Bye Dad!" he says.

"Bye Kiddo, have fun." I tell him.

"I will." He runs over to Angie, giving her a big warm hug.

They're so cute together. I hope they work out. I walk back to our house. I get in and I don't see Annie. She's probably still asleep. I walk upstairs to our room and see her still passed out. I smile and lay on the bed next to her and Mags and I turn on the TV. She wakes up after a few more minutes of sleep.

"Finn's late!" she says as she sits up.

"Nope, I took him to school for you." I tell her.

"Thanks Sugar Cube." She mimics me.

"Oh I take Finn to school for you and you mimic me." I say sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

"Don't get an attitude, I was going to make you French toast to say thanks. Now I'm second guessing it..." she says.

"Sorry Sweetie!" I say, I'm hungry and French toast is my favorite.

She laughs and gives me a kiss, "Make sure Maggie is okay while I make breakfast."

"I will." I tell her.

She goes downstairs and I sit with Maggie. She wakes up but doesn't cry. She just stares back at me.

"Hey Mags," I whisper. "Want to go see Mommy?" she makes cute little noises. "I'm taking that as a yes."

I walk her down the stairs.

"She woke up?" Annie asks.

"Yup, she probably smelled breakfast." I say, Annie laughs a little.

"It's ready so I'll put it on a plate and then I'll hold her." Annie says.

"Okay." I say. Annie puts my food on a plate and I sit down, she takes Maggie out of my arms.

Annie walks her around the house, keeping her happy. Annie is better at the sweet things, like when the kids get hurt, or when they're sick. Or when they're sad and they want to be cuddled and hugged, or whenever they feel like being peaceful. I'm better at getting them hyped up and playing with them, and yes, getting into trouble. Annie reminds me of how my mom was, and I'm like how my Dad was. I think we make a good team though, because we usually agree on everything when it comes to the kids.

We don't have to think about punishments with Finn though. Only once in a blue moon, when he causes a little trouble. And we usually figure out a reasonable punishment. But like I said, it's rare. He listens to us most of the time. But he is stubborn like Annie and I, so he does disagree with us sometimes and gets a smart mouth. But, he is our kid. And he was given that trait.

Either way, I love both my kids, and I'm excited about Maggie because I missed the first month of Finn's life. Which I still feel bad about. If I just fought those mutts off before they got on top of me, I would've been back to Annie and Finn way sooner. Annie tells me to stop worrying about it, it was the past and it wasn't my fault and it doesn't matter because I'm with her now.

It does still bother me though, because I should've been there to hold Finn the day he was born. I should've been there to see his eyes first open. But I couldn't, because of a couple stupid mutts. I probably should let this go, but I find it hard to stop blaming myself for things that happened during the war.

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