Chapter 55

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Chapter 55

Six years later...

Maggie Pov.

I walk my niece and nephew to school. Alex and Faith are both great kids. Smart, cute, Faith has a great sense of humor and Alex is very intelligent.

"Bye Aunt Maggie!" Alex says and I give him a tight hug.

"Bye buddy, see you after school at dinner tonight,"

"Bye Maggie," Faith says and hugs me too.

I go to my section of school, Kayla walks up to me with a smirk.

"What?" I ask.

"I'm not telling you,"

"Telling me what?"

"My lips are sealed," she says.

"You have to, I'm your best friend." I tell her, crossing my arms.

"Fine," she whispers in my ear. "Michael is gonna ask you out."

"No way!" I yell.

"Sh! Yes, way. And you better say yes."

"Or what?" I ask.

"I don't know but you totally should say yes."

The bell rings and we go to class. I see Michael staring at me, so I make a funny face and he laughs. I smile a little and turn away.

I wouldn't mind saying yes, but there's one problem.


I'm afraid he'll dig out his trident and attack any guy I even look at.

After a few more boring classes about the dark days and blah blah blah it's lunch time.

I sit and talk with Kayla and my other two friends, Jordana, and Sophia.

Kayla gives me a wink and I give her a questioning look. I feel a tap on my shoulder.

I turn around.

"Hey Mags," Michael says.

"Hey Mike," I say casually.

"So I was wondering if you wanted to hang out at the beach tomorrow?" He asks.

"Uh," Dad is gonna kill me. "Sure."

"Cool, see you then." He says and walks away.

Everyone at the table claps and I laugh.

"Finnick's gonna kill you," Kayla says.

I nod, "unfortunately that's true."

"But I'm sure your mom will be cool with it, she is super laid back about that stuff." Jordana says.

"Yea, I'll be fine. I'll be like, Dad, you started dating at age eleven, I think it's okay if I can at age fifteen."

They nod in agreement.

The day ends fast and I'm nervous to tell Dad about Michael.

I pick up Faith and Alex. Who tell me about their day, what they ate for lunch, who they played with, the usual.

"So how was your day Maggie?" Faith asks.

"Pretty good," I say, keeping it plain.

My brother Finn is protective of me to, I don't need them telling him anything.

They bug me for more so I just tell them about my friends.

I drop them off and Angie answers the door. Angie has been like a sister to me since as long as j can remember.

"Thanks Maggie," she says.

"Anytime, see you at dinner," I walk next door to my house.

My mom and dad are in the middle of a conversation but stop to greet me.

"How was school?" Dad asks.

"Um, good, there's actually something I was gonna tell you guys something," I start nervously.

"Sure," Mom says, sitting at the table next to dad. I sit across from them and already feel like I'm in trouble.

"So, a boy at school asked me to go to the beach with him tomorrow," I clench my fists at my sides as a comfort thing. "And I said, yes."

Mom looks at Dad.

"Dad?" I say.

"Okay," he says.

"Okay?" I ask. "It's okay?"

"Yup, I trust you'll make the right decisions."

I hug him and say, "Thanks Daddy."

Then I skip up the stairs.


Finnick Pov.

"Honey," I say.


"On a totally unrelated note, where's my trident?" I ask.

She laughs, "don't worry, Maggie will be fine."

"I know, I was kidding."

She smiles and I mumble under my breath, "Not really..."

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