Chapter 60

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Chapter 60

Maggie Pov.

School starts again, Dad and I are all good and I'm not grounded anymore. And when he found out Michael hit me at the party, he went and kinda brought his trident. He didn't kill him or anything, but he did stab him with it a few times. Michael went to the hospital and Dad told the peacekeepers he hit me or whatever so they were a little more understanding. Although he was fined for some of Michael's medical bills, but to Dad it was worth it.

When Kayla and I get to school, I'm a little too happy to see everyone on my side. They're shocked that Michael hit me, but also that I fought back and won. Plus my dad is an even bigger legend than he was before.

It's weird being the center of attention, but it doesn't seem like Michael will be. It's like some of the guys are lost without their leader, and other girls don't have crushes on him anymore. Even teachers talk bad about him. It's like the whole school has turned against him, and my father and I started it. I've never realized how strong of a leader he is. I've never noticed it in myself, either.

I am the daughter of Finnick Odair and Annie Cresta, though. Some of the most physically and mentally strong people on this earth. I have to be good for something.

When school ends I walk with Kayla, Faith, and Alex home. Apparently Katniss, Peeta, and their two kids are coming over so we're gonna have dinner with everyone at my house. I remember Katniss and Peeta have two kids, they came to visit awhile. And I remember when I was a kid, I always had a small crush on Darius. It's gone now, obviously. But it's weird thinking about seeing your childhood crush.

We all walk into my house. There's laughter and chatting. My dad talks with Peeta, Xavier, and Darius, and some random guy. My mom talks with Lilly, Kim, and Katniss.

"Hey girls and Alexander!" Mom says, I laugh.

"Hey," I say.

I hug Katniss and Lilly who I haven't seen.

"Maggie this is my boyfriend, Lucas," Says Lilly.

"Nice to meet you," I shake his hand.

"You too," he says.

Darius walks over to me. I didn't get a good look at him till now.

Oh. My. Gosh.

Can I just say one word to describe him?

Gorgeous. Flawless. Stunning. Adorable.

Okay, maybe more than one word, but I can't describe how amazing he looks.

His wavy blonde hair that flows around his head like waves in the ocean, his silver eyes that sparkle like diamonds. His muscular arms, and tall shape.

Hopefully no one noticed me drooling over this boy, this boy that is taking my breath away.

"Hi Maggie, it's been awhile," he says.

"Yeah, too long," Whoops, there goes the gushing again. He smiles a little, I force myself to not turn red. "How've you been?"

"Good, how about you?" He asks.

"Hanging in there," I say, truthfully. It's not like the past week has been easy.

"I was wondering, I kinda wanted to see more of district four," he says.

I tilt back and forth on my heels and toes, my hands shaking behind my back. He makes me so nervous just standing here in front of me.

"Um, want me to walk you around a little?" I ask. "Ya know, like a tour?"

He nods excitedly. "That sounds so fun, wanna go now?" he asks.

"Yeah!" Whoa, Maggie. Calm down. "Sure, that would be cool," Stop trying to sound cool.

He laughs a little.

"Alright you two go ahead, dinner will be ready in a couple hours," Mom says.

"Okay," I say.

We start to head out, but dad puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Yes?" I turn around.

"Darius is someone who deserves you more than Michael did,"

"Dad, we're just friends,"

Wow, I don't even believe that myself.

"Maggie, you could cut the romantic tension between the two of you with a knife," he smirks and I blush. He laughs a little. "Just know that he's a good kid, I trust him more because I've known him since he was a toddler."

I nod, "I know, he's a good one."

He smiles, "If you have to grow up and fall in love, maybe it'll be him."

"Okay, I'll talk to you about it later."

And I walk back to Darius.

I can't wait to see how this goes.

Authors Note

Hey readers! Sorry for the late update but August is a busy month for me. My best friend is born in August, as well as BOTH of my sisters. So now that that's done, I can go back to focusing on my books.

School starts soon, as you all know, so I will have a tighter schedule but hopefully updates will be on Saturdays. Some days it might be rough, but I won't abandon my beloved characters and loving readers. Ever.

So I'm sure some of you are freaking out, I know I am. I mean it's Finnick and Annie's daughter, falling for Katniss and Peeta's son! How much better does it get?! And then the victors will be one big family if all works out. But you know me, I tend to mess things up because I'm evilllll! Maybe I won't mess this up though...

Anyways thanks for reading! I'll talk to ya'll soon!


P. S. Who ships Marius, aka Daggie? Or even better, Everdair?

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