Chapter 71

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Chapter 71        

Finnick Pov.

My gosh Darius, you were doing so well until you've kept my little girl so long! 

Annie and I love the alone time, but it worries me that Katniss and Peeta aren't keeping a super close eye on them. I have the eye of a hawk when it comes to my daughter dating, Katniss and Peeta, well, maybe just a parrot. 

I'm worried that they're taking things too fast. It does worry me because Darius is three years older, and I don't know how many girls he's dated, and if he just sees Maggie as a temporary thing like Michael did. Because the way she looks at him is pure love, and I would hope that I can say the same for him, because I like the kid. Smart, funny, nice, and pretty good looking. (Hopefully that doesn't sound creepy coming from me, but he has two very good looking parents... Katniss.) Don't do that! You all know I love Annie, but Katniss is still very attractive and if Annie didn't exist my life would suck, but I would still go for Katniss. But I don't like her, I just like her looks. 

But Annie's still prettier.

I spent tons of years in the Capitol, give me a break!

Anyways, I do think Darius and Maggie are a good match I just hope he doesn't mess it up, because if he does, Maggie won't be the one crying.


"Finn," Annie calls.

"Yes my beautiful wife,"

She rolls her eyes (Like most of you are).

"Maggie is on the phone."

I jump over the couch, land on my back and roll into the kitchen. 

I know what you're thinking.

I'm amazing, am I right?!

"That was a little unecessary." Annie says and passes me the phone.

"Hey Dad,"

"Hey Maggie, how are you, are you okay, having a good time, is he treating you well?" I asked all at once.

"Dad, calm down, one question at a time, please." I laugh. "I'm great, I'm fine, we're having an amazing time and yes, Darius is the most amazing guy ever." I fake cough into the phone. "Besides you." I smile.

  "And he hasn't asked any serious questions without my permission?"

"My goodness Dad, what do you think he purposed or something?" I can picture her eyes rolling just like Annie.

"Pft, no. Glad you're having a good time.  I love and miss you. Know when you're coming home?" 

"Um, couple days." She says.

"Okay, no problem, see you soon Maggie."

"You too Dad, bye!" 

"Bye," We hang up.

"She sounds very happy,"

"Too happy, what if she does move to twelve?"

"Finn, they've been dating almost a month, relax."

"Okay, okay. I like Darius and all, but it would be great if she could find someone that would live in District Four only."

"Finnick, even if Darius was born here, doesn't mean they wouldn't move. Do you not get that? Nothing says you have to live in a certain district anymore. You can leave, and even if she was with Michael if he didn't cheat on her, it doesn't mean they wouldn't have moved away. She wants things for herself and if she wants them, it might require moving. And you're going to have to support her."

"Yeah, unfourtunately for me you are right." She smiles. "Wanna go out again?"


"Sounds perfect." 


"Your birthday is coming up!" I say as we sit in the water.

"Yup, turning thirty two." Annie says.

"I'm turning thirty three, I feel so old."

"My gosh Finn, you could still pass for twenty five." She says and rolls her eyes.

"Yeah, and you look like you're in your teens. Seriously, we were at the grocery store and when you walked away an old lady said; 'So nice of you to take your daughter along with you'."

She laughs, "That's because she's old!"

"And you're young."

"Yeah," I feel like theres something on her mind, something shes not telling me.

"Annie are you not telling me something I should know?"

"No, no. I'm fine, I think we just swam a lot. I'm kinda tired." She says.

"Oh, okay. So you wanna head back home?" I ask.


We walk out, and I grab her hand. I really feel like theres something up with her.

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