Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Finn Pov.

I sit on the train next to Angie. I know when she's upset about something. She gets a glassy look in her crystal blue eyes, her face goes pale, and she doesn't talk.

"Angie, what's wrong?" she's about to say nothing, I already know. "Don't say nothing, you and I both know that's a lie."

"Finn, your family is in danger because of my mom." She says.

"Angie, they're not just my family, they're your family, too. And we weren't going to let anything happen to you." I tell her, taking her hand.

"Why would you risk your safety for mine?" she asks.

I know the answer, I know I'm only eleven. But I'm desperately in love with Angela Madison Casey.

"Because, I, Angie, you're really important to me." I say, she's more than 'really important'. She is so much more. I can't even describe how much I care about her.

"Finn," she starts.

"Yea?" I ask.

"I, l... I love..." she stutters.

"I love you, Angie." I say.

She turns a burning red color. "I, I love you too, Finn."

"Angie, you can't keep asking me why I'm protecting you now that you know. I love you, okay? You can't just think that I'll put my safety before yours. You're extremely important to me." I explain.

"Finn, I'll never understand why you love me." she whispers.

"You don't have to, you just have to let me be here for you." I say.

"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, do you know that?" she asks.

"Not until now," I say.

"How could you not know that you're all I think about every second of every day?" she asks.

"I guess you love me more than I thought," I say sarcastically.

"Don't flatter yourself, besides, you're the one who started all this," she says.

"Oh really?" A smirk started creeping on my face. "How so?"

"You asked me out." she says, gesturing between the two of us.

"You're the dummy who agreed to it," I tease her.

"Yea, you're right, that was stupid of me." she agrees.

"You weren't supposed to agree," I say.

"I know." she says.

"Why do you like me?" I ask.

"I don't like you Finn," my heart had a moment of panic. "I love you."

"Okay, but why?" I ask.

"Because, you some how make everything horrible about life fade away. You know how to escape reality. You help me escape reality. You put my needs before yours. You are incredibly funny, and charming. Gosh, Finn. What's not to love?" she asks.

I smirk a little. She usually wasn't this open about stuff. "Can I ask you something?"

"Anything," she whispers.

"You said you liked me for 'awhile', when did that start?" I ask.

"When, I met you..." she whispers softly, turning pink. "When did you, like me?"

"When, you came to school that one day. You were wearing a green and blue sundress, We were nine years old. You were so cute, I didn't want to say anything. We were best friends, I didn't want to risk it. But, I couldn't keep avoiding myself. I really liked you, Angie. I wasn't able to fake it anymore." I explain.

She was turning pinker, if that was even possible. She looked me in the eyes, holding my gaze for a minute or so, before shaking her head, clearing whatever thought slipped through her mind.

Oh, how badly I wanted to know what she was thinking...


Angela Pov.

He could be the one I end up with.

I think to my self, but quickly remove the stupid thought from my brain.

Why is my heart so delusional? I didn't trust my heart, I always trusted my mind. My heart wasn't capable of making the logical decision.

But with Finn, I couldn't just, lie to my heart. He made me feel so different from what other people made me feel. He loved me. I loved him. I don't want to love him. That means I could have my heartbroken. He means everything to me. That one girl can walk pass him one day, and make him see why I don't deserve him. And he'll be gone like that. Forever. I'm not good enough for him.

My hair is brown, it's messy, he calls it wavy. Wavy is how you would describe his mother's hair. I wished I looked like Annie. Annie is beautiful. She has flawless hair, skin, eyes, she's in perfect shape, whereas I could snap like a twig. My eyes aren't as hypnotizing as Finn's. Where you could stare at them forever and lose track of time. His beautiful sea green eyes that are flooded with gold, silver, and blue flecks. His eyes are fascinating. Mine were plain old blue, again, not like his mother's. Mine were just blue. Her's had a green tint. Mine were just blue. I'm not complaining, I liked blue. But I didn't compare to the Odair family. I don't look like I fit in. Even Maggie was prettier than me.

I'll never in a million years know why he loves me. I've been in love with Finn for awhile now. But I can't force myself to believe that he likes me as much as he says.

Finn breaks me out of my trance. "What are you thinking about?"

You, I think to myself.

"I'm not telling you," I laugh a little.

"Why? Were you thinking about me?" he asks.

Yup. "Nope," I lie.

"I think you're lying." he says.

You're right. "You're wrong."

"So, you're not going to tell me?" He asks, disappointed.

I shake my head no.

"That's a bummer, I was thinking about you." He tells me.

"Fine! I was thinking about you!" I confess.

He smirks, "I know."

"How do you know?" I ask.

"Because, you always zone out. And your eyes get all dreamy."

Wow, that's embarrassing. "I didn't know I looked like that," I say, probably blushing like crazy.

"Don't worry about it, it's cute." he says with an adorable smile.

More blood rushes to my cheeks. "Did you ever wish that, you could lie to your heart?" I ask.

He nods. "When I started liking you, I didn't want to like you, because I didn't think you liked me, and we were best friends, I was trying to lie to myself. It didn't work."

"That's what I did. I still do, actually." I tell him.

"Why?" he asks, with a little hurt in his voice.

"Because, I'm... Afraid." I admit.

"Afraid? Of what?" he asks.

"Losing you."



"You'll never lose me."

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