Chapter 61

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Chapter 61

Darius Pov.

Wow. That's the one word I can use to describe Maggie Odair. Wow.

Dad told me when I turned sixteen, he said; Dare, when you can't keep your eyes off a girl, when she leaves you in awe, when she takes your breath away just by standing next to you, you're gonna fall in love.

And right now, that's exactly how it is with Maggie. She is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, easily she beats them all. Her golden-brown like hair comes down in waves that end at her lower back. Her eyes glisten of the colors blue, green, and even gold. Her face could've been carved by angels. Okay, dad is right, this is what he meant. I can't stop looking at her, I'm in complete awe, and she takes my breath away.

"So what do you wanna see first?" She asks. Does she like me? I don't know... How do you know, exactly?

"What is your favrotie thing to see here?" I ask.

"That's easy, the beach, of course." She says.

"Cool, wanna go check it out then?" I ask.

"Okay..." She says.

Just that short conversation and my heart is about to beat its way out of my chest.

We walk side by side to the beach, should I attempt to hold her hand? Something? I can't just be friends with this girl, it's impossible. I'm sure any other guy that met her couldn't just be friends with her, I mean she's gorgeous! 

"What's your favorite thing in District 12?" Maggie asks.

She's probably bringing up new topics since I can't think any words except; Maggie, you're beautiful. That's not very friendly though, is it?

"The woods, my parents take us everyday, I actually learned how to use a bow and arrow like my mom. Did your parents teach you any thing with weapons?" I ask.

She nods, "My dad, being all protective of me if I'm home alone taught me how to throw knives,"

How is it that learning this skill of her makes her more attractive?!

"Mom is actually better than dad, but she hasn't held anything but a kitchen knife since the games." She tells me.

"Is Annie okay now though?" I ask.

I know my parents have their issues too, mom being in the war and the games twice, dad being brainwashed and in the games and in the war. 

She nods, "She lives as if the games and war never happened, I mean, she tries at least. Dad kind of accepts it, but she tries to forget."

That's how my parents are, too.

"That's how my mom and dad are too," He says.

"Really?" She asks, I nod. "I didn't see Katniss as the type too..."

"Well, all the victors have some issues." I smile at her.

"Yea, I guess they do," She agrees.

We get to the beach, it really is stunning. So pretty, the water, the colors, the sunset the everything. I only wish I could paint it right now.

"Here we are," Maggie says.

"It's... beautiful," I say. She's beautiful.

"Yea, you've been here before, you probably just don't remember it." I nod. "Are you and your family staying a couple days?"

"Why you wanna get rid of me already?" I ask, she laughs.

"No, no, it's just... there's a lot I wanna show you," She says.

She wants to spend time with me?

"Yea, we're gonna be here till next week." I tell her.

"Great, that means you can see all the cool stuff."

"Sounds good," 

I can't take this anymore! It's eating me alive!


Maggie Pov.

Ugh! I can't be his friend, I mean look at him! Even talking to him... Is dad right? Am I completely head over heels already for this guy?

Okay, Maggie, remember mom and dad's childhood love stories.

1. Nicknames.


Okay, what can you call a boy named Darius? That's it! 

"So you wanna see more of the beach Dare, or do you wanna keep looking?" I ask. 

Dare, that's cute.

He looks over at me and smirks, "Sure, Mags,"

It worked! But that could be just friendly to him. What did mom and dad do next? 

Oh yea, they moved in. Well, Dare and his family are already staying with us. So... That kinda works, I guess.

What's another trick? I remember mom saying that dad made her blush as a kid, but that's only gonna work from his angle...

"You know what I really wanna find out about this ocean?" Dare asks.

"What?" I respond.

"How warm it is,"

Before I can say anything he picks me up bridal style and starts running towards the water.

"Ah! Dare!" I laugh while he runs.

Once he's waist deep, he counts to three and dunks us both.

I come back up out of his arms, I wish he didn't let me go!

We're both laughing.

"You're water here is warm, warmer than the lake at our house." He says.

"Yea, the water is only chilly during winter, but any other time it's perfect." I tell him.

"Mags?" He says.


"Did you know that you're beautiful?"

Then I turn red as a tomato. 

"Thanks," I say.

"Sorry if I made this awkward..." He says.

"No... No it's not.. I..." Spit it out!

"I have a pretty big crush on you, and you're hard to get out of my head." He tells me.

"Me too, I can't stop thinking about you." I finally say it. 

"So can I ask you out to a restraunt you recommend tomorrow?" He asks.

"Go ahead," I smile.

"Maggie will you go out with me tomorrow?" 

"I thought you'd never ask."

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