Chapter 52

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Chapter 52

Finnick Pov.

"Hey Finn!" Annie yells.


"My sister will be over tomorrow," she says.


Annie is in the living room and I'm still in our room, she must've got off the phone with her sister.

We talk a lot and she tells me she'll believe me if for some reason Alexa tries anything, so I'm happy with that.

I don't care whose around as long as Annie is happy with me and doesn't leave again.


The next day...

"Hi!" Alexa's voice fills the house and Annie says hi too.

She has her come in.

"Finn, it's been so long," Alexa says.

"Yea," I say.

"Your house is so beautiful,"

"Thanks," Annie says.

I see the two next to each other and I can barely tell which one is Annie, it's really creepy.

"You guys look so much alike," I say.

They look at each other, "We do?" Alexa asks.

"Exactly alike," I say.

She shrugs and Annie gives her a quick tour, where they run into Maggie and she tells her it's her other aunt and she drags Alexa around her room, showing her all of the toys and clothes she has.

Annie decides to start making dinner so I turn on the TV and sit with Finn and Angie who joined us, and met Alexa.

"Hey Finn!"

"Yea?" Finn and I respond.

"Little Finn, do you mind running to the grocery store to grab a couple things?" Annie asks.

"No, Angie you wanna go?" He asks.

"Sure," Angie says and Annie hands them the list.

Now I feel uncomfortable because I'm sitting on the couch with Alexa, and personally I didn't want to be alone with her.

I hear Annie turn on the sink, so I turn up the TV.

"So how've you been, Finn?" She asks.

"Good, Finn got married, Maggie doesn't like boys yet, and Annie and I are doing good."

"Good," she says.

"How about you? Any special guys?" I ask.

"Well, I did date this one guy. Gale Hawthorne,"

"I know Gale Hawthorne! Is he nice? He was always kinda a jerk in thirteen, no offense."

"None taken, he is a jerk. I dumped him last month,"

I nod, "Anyone else?"

"Yes, actually there is someone," she says.

"That's good,"

Hopefully she's not talking about me.

"Yeah, but I don't think it's gonna work out, I had my chance and kinda blew it." She says.

"Oh, maybe it's not too late,"

"It is, I mean, isn't it too late when he already chose someone else?" She asks. "He chose my sister,"

"Alexa, no. Move on I'm married and I have two kids and it wasn't too late, it never would've happened. I'm in love with Annie."

I see Annie standing behind me, she pounces on Alexa like a cat.

"The only reason you wanted to come here was to break up my marriage! You're definitely the worst sister I have ever met! Get out of my house now!" Annie yells.

I sit there in shock as my wife yells at Alexa, I've never seen her like this.

"Look, he chose me when he could've chosen you! He loves me get that out of your thick, stupid, idiotic, skull!"

Alexa pulls away from Annie's grip, before she gets to the door, Annie stops her.

"What?" She asks.

Annie kisses me and we hear our door slam shut.

"I had no idea you were so-"

Annie cuts me off, "Protective of what's mine? Well I am."

I laugh a little, "I'm yours,"

"And I'm yours,"

I give her a kiss before we go back to making dinner. We explain what happened when Finn and Angie come back. Finn laughs when I tell him what Annie did.

Is it weird that what she did made me love her more?

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