Chapter 66

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Chapter 66

Maggie Pov.

We get to the lake and Darius is right, it is beautiful. And he's wrong because I'm not as beautiful as this lake, but I don't bring it up because I won't win that debate.

"Wow," I say.

"Now you know my reaction when I saw you," he tells me.

I smile a little.

"Ready to go for a swim?" He asks.

"When am I not ready to swim?" I ask.

He laughs and picks me up.

"Ah! Dare, let me take off the cover up first, now my cover up is gonna get wet!" I scream.

"It's okay, it'll dry," he laughs running into the lake.

The water is colder than the water at home, but it's not bad.

We go under and I come up, my hair wet and flowing around the water, my cover up dress sopping wet.

"You're such a little-"

"Maggie, no need to be rude," Darius says and laughs.

"I'm gonna go lay this on the grass and you better pray it dries,"

"Or what?" He asks.

I don't know!

"Or... I'll... Um, I'll go home! Yup, that's what I'll do!" I say.

He laughs and shakes his head, "I doubt that,"

"Okay, well I'll come up with something,"

He laughs, "Good luck."

"I'll need it," I mumble to myself.

I lay my dress in the sun, and jump back into the lake, splashing the half of Darius' body that wasn't in the water.

"Thanks Maggie," he says sarcastically.

"Anytime," I reply.

"You're really something," he smiles.

"I hope that's a good 'something.'" I say.

"It is," he says.

I smile.

"So what else are we going to do today?" I ask.

"Well, I'm not exactly sure. You know, we should have dinner at Greasy Sae's!" He suggests.

"Who is "Greasy Sae"?" I ask.

"Aw, poor little career," I cringe at the word. "Can't handle the hob, I kinda forgot for a second."

"I am not a career! We are spoiled the same exact amount, you act like I'm the only one with ridiculously rich parents!" I yell. "Just because we grew up in different districts, doesn't mean me or my life was better than yours."

"Maggie, I didn't try to make you upset,"

"Dare it was funny the first couple times, but it's just getting old. I don't have the perfect little life you pretend like I have, I mean, things have been going on, and you have been my escape. And I can't keep feeling like you think I'm perfect, I just wanna tell you all these things but I don't know how."

There are so many things going on in District Four. So many things I wanna avoid.

He envelopes me in his arms, and kisses my head.

"What's going on, is it something at home?"

I nod. "My parents, I don't know what's up with them. I feel like they're... Drifting apart, I could be wrong. I hope I'm wrong. They just don't look so in love anymore,"

"Maggie, when your parents had you, they were still just becoming adults, you're used to them living a teenage, young-love kinda romance. They're older and more mature, I'm sure that's all it is."

He tries to cheer me up, but how do I tell him about they're arguments?


"Why do you keep going over there?!" I heard dad yell.

"He needs someone to help him, and you gave up!" Mom yelled back.

"Why do you care so much about someone who doesn't care about you or this family? I told you of Nixon is gonna act like a poor little boy that got his heartbroken decades ago, let him! Because he treats everyone like trash because of it and I don't want you or anyone in my family around him!" Dad yelled again.

"Nixon is our friend, he needs our help if he has any hope of being sober,"

"Annie, you have to stop being so naïve-"

"How dare you! Call me naïve! Out of all the people on this earth you're going to call me naïve?! After all I've been through with you, without you, everything." She sighed, "We just keep slowly drifting,"

"No, no, Annie we can't drift apart more than we already have,"

"I'm hanging on with everything I have Finn, I really am."

"I know, we just gotta keep going, keep holding on, keep building this beautiful relationship of ours that tends to fall sometimes."

"At least they're still trying, Mags. They're Finnick and Annie, you know in your heart they won't leave each other."

"I don't know anymore, I just don't see their spark anymore, whatever passion and love I saw when I looked at them together, I just don't anymore."

"It's there Mags, I promise you it's there."

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