Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

Annie Pov.

After dinner, Finnick and I go upstairs to go to bed. Finn and Angie are back together, they both seemed so much happier. We get ready for bed. I lay down and turn on the TV. Finnick comes out of the bathroom, and jumps onto the bed, laying on his back. It makes me jump up a little because of the springs in the mattress. I laugh.

"What are you watching?" he asks.

"Nothing's on." I say.

"I was thinking, Finn and Angie know we were in the games, but they haven't seen the games." he says.

"So, you think they need to watch them?" I ask.

"Yea, but you don't have to." he says.

"No, I do. I can't keep avoiding it."

"Such a brave little solider." he says giving me a kiss.

"Well you'll be at my side, I have nothing to be afraid of."

"That's right." he says. "Goodnight, I love you."

"I love you too."


When Finn and Angie come home from school...

Finnick and I already told Finn and Angie that we were going to watch the games, so they sit down on the couch with us. Maggie is with Kim for now so that she doesn't interrupt.

"Ready?" Finnick asks, mainly addressing it to me. Finn and Angie nod.

"Yes," I say.

He turns on his games, they play the reaping.

"Whose that?" Angie asks, pointing to me when I fell in Sarah's arms.

"Me," I mumble.

She doesn't say anything. They play the parade next. Angie and Finn don't say anything, they play the training scores. Finn and Angie seem surprised at Finnick's score of a ten. Then they play the interviews. I remember how I felt when I finally saw him, but then he was torn away from the screen.

"Whose Bethany?" Finn asks.

"A girl who had a huge crush on your dad." I tell him.

Finnick says, "She was super annoying."

Finn and Angie laugh a little.

They play the games, and Finn and Angie just look shocked.

I hide my face in Finnick's shirt and he puts his arms around me. I can't watch this again. It was hard enough the first time.

"It's over," Finnick whispers to me.

I lift my head up and look at him. "I should've watched, I just, couldn't."

"It's okay Annie." he says.

Finn and Angie are speechless. They don't ask any questions, but Finnick puts on my games.

They watch the reaping, and Angie cries a little. When she sees Finnick with his face in his hands, and me walking up to the stage, staring at him sadly.

I stay curled up next to him, I know it's the only thing that will get me through this.

"Whose the boy who hugged Mom?" Asks Finn.

"His name is Mick, he was our friend." Finnick tells him.

"Oh." He says and continues to watch.

They play the chariot parades, and after the training scores.

"Good job Mom!" Finn says.

I laugh a little, remembering how excited I was to earn a nine. "Thanks Finn."

They play the interviews, and Angie smiles as I ramble on about Finnick during my interview. Then it gets to the games, where I run straight towards the cornucopia, grabbing supplies for Mick and myself. I can't watch this again... Not again.

I don't watch, until I hear Mick about to tell me that he likes me.

"What?!" Finn and Angie both yell.

Finnick and I laugh.

I it'd watch after that, I can't watch anymore. I hear my screams as Mick is beheaded. I hear the girl I killed, trying to fight for her life. And I feel Finnick's tears on my forehead when I sit in the cave... helpless and all alone.

When the games end, Angie and Finn hug us.

"You guys are still my heroes." Finn whispers in my ear.

Hearing those words making winning the games worth it.

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